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Ruby and Jenn in their locker room gear.

The staff outside the Con Sluts party. This was THE party to be at on Friday night. And I was the emcee!!
Pics of the party can be found on the Con Sluts website. Just know that Tahmoh Penikett (Helo on Galactica), and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor from Smallville) got turned away at the door and couldn't get in. Mostly because Tahmoh had too many people with him and we couldn't fit them all, and Michael has hair now and no one recognized him!

Mrs. Jones uses Rebecca as a cushion.

Karmaa... Yummy.

The Brits that couldn't get into the Con Sluts party decided to build a tower of Booze Buckets as tall as my ego. According to Baz, they were only 3,485 feet short before the bar ran out of buckets. Maybe next year!

Gareth gets some love.

Me and Baz, the King of England. (Be sure to check out Spat Gone Wild Vol 4 for more info on that)

Boob Grab!

I have no idea what this is. But I like it. Does that make me weird?

Ash in her big hat.

Jenni and Toby.

Darren and Kirsten.

I don't think I've ever seen Darren smile this much. EVER.
Then we headed up to a room party with the Galactica guys.

Me and Marian. He's an Assistant Director on Galactica and X-Men and other stuff.

Someone left the door open and the Browncoats crawled in.

No idea who this guy is.

Toby Proctor, he was a voice actor on Sailor Moon and now is on a new TV show called "The Bridge" with Aaron Douglas.

Toby and the Browncoat!

Me and Marian. I have a lot of other blackmail on this guy, so expect to see me on a show he's working on soon!

Me and Rebecca!

Rebecca and Mrs. Jones.

And finally, my Spat shirt. This was made by Sean and his party crew. It actually stands for Special Parties And Tactics, but they decided to give one to me. And while wearing it wandering around the con someone came up to me and asked me if I knew that Spat guy.
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