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So, this being Sunday night at DragonCon, it was time for me to break out my naughty costume!

Me as a PlayBoy Bunny! Yeah, well since this year is not a Spattle year (we do that every odd year), I wasn't going to blow my load on an awesome costume if I'm not competing. BUT, we did decide to have a Jr. Spattle and the winner would then get to compete against me next year!

Mango, Tim and The Dude love the Bunny!

Lara and Bunny Spat.


Me and Chris.

Mrs. Jones loves the Rabbit.

Whiskey Pete loves the Bunny.

And here's Brian about to disrobe and show off his costume...

And he's.... Poison Ivy! Or, I guess it would be Poison Oak!

And then came Paul, the Brit to compete...

And he's... Jessica Rabbit. Or, I guess it would be Jessica Robert. Wait, does that make me Roger Rabbit?

He's got a secret...

Bad shot!

So then it was time for our international panel of judges to sit down and decide who would win.


Where does one even find a dress that would fit those boobs? (photo stolen from the Brits)

Yeah, I look good. (photo stolen from the Brits)

Boob Grab! (photo stolen from the Brits)

Mrs. Jones loves the boobs!

Batwing gets some Poison Oak.

Mrs. Jones tastes of the forbidden fruit.


Mrs. Jones kidnaps Trin.
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