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Sunday meant it was time to break out our new Warhammer 40K costumes.

Here's a little tease (photo stolen from the Brits).

Himtay in a school girl outfit. I have got to get myself to Ethiopia!

Stacy and Lynn as Tech Priests.

Matt finally showed up the night before at like 3am. Here he is meeting Harry for the first time.

And then Harry gave him his Gold Wings Award!

Tim in his gear. It took forever to dress each of the ten Imperial Guard one at a time! But the result is awesome!

And here we are! The fighting 69th Kasrkin Squad of the Cadian Imperial Guard. WH40K nerds will be wetting themselves over this!

Pete looking a bit too happy (photo stolen from Dom).

Great shot of us all... if Stacy would get off her phone! (photo stolen from Dom)

And finally a normal one. (photo stolen from Dom)

And here we are! Tony did a Commissar costume as well. And everywhere we went, we acquired new Warhammer Costumers!

I don't know what it is, but I like it! And so does Rex and Batwing!

Mrs. Jones decided to borrow Batwing's Marine Armor and come out and play.

Paul doing a poor man's version of the Shocker.

Us at the bar (photo stolen from the Brits)

Me and my Laz Rifle. (photo stolen from the Brits)

We were very popular, especially among the gamers!

Mrs. Jones and Himtay!

Too lazy to get up for the pic!

Karmaa... Yummy.

Matt as Zorro the Cadian!

The costumes were awesomely comfy, but walking outside into the Hotlanta heat just killed you.

Whiskey Pete looking guilty/


I don't know if I feel comfortable with full frontal Pancreas exposure.

Joy checking out the costumes.

Matt and Pete!

The Marines are jealous of our big guns.

Paul making Mrs. Jones feel like one of the team.

All army vets club.

Found this hanging out at the bar. Gotta love DragonCon!

Kev again! Now with Gold Wings...

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