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The next morning I headed back to the autograph area to say hi.

Had to thank Dean Haglund for being a judge at the Friday night Con Sluts party.

And check out the Marines!

This was kind of gross. The bird was going down on the Alien. Don't worry, we have video.

Karmaa... Yummy... as an undercover Ninja!

Actually she's trying not to spread Con Funk. But she still hugs me....

So sad that the con is ending....

Pete gets an angry neck rub!


The Brit Dinner.

Me and Phil Morris (Seinfeld)

Last nerd standing goes to.... Abe! And now he gets to give out the stuff in his bag of tat! And we got to learn that Andrew can't use a Kazoo!

So, it ended up as Story Time with Spat at the Hyatt bar all night and during a comment about chasing a monkey around a house this poor guy shot booze out his nose and started bleeding. My stories should have to be registered as lethal weapons!

And next to last Nerd Standing is Gareth! Now out of the Alien costume!

Awww, how cute. Though I'm not 100% sure why I was asked to take this pic.

Last Brit Standing (or almost passed out on the floor) award goes to Baz! Who almost managed to keep up with me!

And then Batwing declared DragonCon over!

Here are the Brits getting ready to head to the airport and fly home.
Well, as usual it was an awesome weekend. I have a lot fewer people to thank this year since I wasn't a guest... Hmmm. Big thanks to Ken Feinberg for getting me a "Guest Of" badge. Thanks to the Brits for coming over to see what DragonCon was all about. Thanks to Baz for finally admitting that I was right about how awesome this con is (of course he partied for 2 days at the Hyatt and Marriott before he even found the actual convention!), thanks to my crew - Batwing, My Little Pony, and Tony. And our new Army men - The Dude, Whiskey Pete and Mango. Thanks to my Warhammer crew! Thanks to Tony for running the SpatCam and to all my other camera bitches over the weekend. Thanks to all my judges in the Con Sluts party, and thanks to Con Sluts for inviting me back to emcee!
If you have a strong stomach, feel free to scroll down to see the Goat Herd pics that were on my phone. But be warned, once seen, it cannot be unseen.

See you next year!
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