Mardi Gras 03
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2/28 - 3/6
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Dennis working more of his magic.

Drew and Christy hamming it up!
Calvin getting his Mojo working.
Around this time, we all got seperated, and Calvin and I started Text Messaging each other. Here's the transcript:
Spat: Bite Me
Calvin: Fuc U
Spat: What's my name bitch?
Calvin: Crak whospr
Spat: Hooked on phonics worked for me
Calvin: Baleeted
Spat: Ok, that was funny
Needless to say, we've since been abusing the hell out of Calvin over the "Crak Whospr" comment.

Drew, what lovely hair you have!
Kathy may as well have been a coffee table the way everyone was drinking off her!

Now this is a great view!

Dennis, as we did our first night at the Gras, over did it, and ended up in bed very early that night.
The closest Drew got to pussy all week!
Then came that fateful Fat Tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras!!
Here's Victor getting ready in his School Girl outfit.

Kathy and Vic bugging me while I'm trying to watch Judge Judy!!
The Schoolgirl thing seemed to be the plan for the day. Kathy (brunette), Christy (redhead), and Victor (blonde). They also kidnapped John as the Asian Schoolgirl, Sailor Moon!
Putting a new Spat Tat on Christie's butt.
Drew getting his ass blown up!

This is what happens to the Hooters Girls when they retire!

Sponge Bob!!!

Drew as a baby. Everyone spent the day beating the hell out of Drew's inflatable Mom head. That sounds really sick and twisted, huh?
John as Sailor Moon. How cute!

Calvin as a Priest. How scary is that thought?
Mardi Gras!!

Now that's cute!

More Jesus Freaks!

Anti-Jesus Freaks!

Calvin with the Monsignior!

Calvin with all the other Religious costume folk!

Oooh. Just missed the girl flashing....

And Dennis gets another bra!

Rich. Our newest bead whore. Or, Bead Whospr to hear Calvin tell it.

This guy wanted Kathy's Spiderman beads, so she took my advice and made him to 20 pushups on that disgusting floor!

Mmm... Beer Girl!

Blue hair, Black hair, Yellow hair...

Then we ended up at a little place called The Alpine! We passed it on the street while starved looking and scrounging for food. See, the thing about Mardi Gras in New Orleans is that there are places to drink everywhere. There are people selling drinks on the street. You can drink anything in the street. It's a wild place. But try and find a place to grab a quick bite! Forget about it!

This is Mel, the Evil Bartender, though she's not actually as evil as the other girls who got that title this week. She told me she was Evil. But I think she was just kidding.

The Crew! Be sure to head over to The Alpine, and say hi to Mel and Mitch, tell them the freaks from New York sent you!
Of course, we HAD to tattoo Mel! I figured if she was Evil, then she must like it in Da Butt.

I always knew it about those two...

Hairy breasticle....
More cleavage....

When the skeleton on your shoulder can get you to make that face, it's time to stop drinking....
These guys are a danger to everyone when they wander the streets!
Calvin with more Religious Folk!

Then we headed over to Tricou House to ring in the Mardi Gras the right way!

Rich has been drinking too many Hurricane's!

Damn, Rich has some big, blue balls.
That's my hair on the sticker, and the bald spot left behind.

Now if that doesn't sum up the week, nothing does!

I don't know what Victor is doing, but he seems to be enjoying it.
Dancing fools!
Uh oh... He's starting to lose it....
One of these things is not like the other....

Don't look at my shame!!

Ok, she can look.
Upskirt shots!
Damn, and you people say I need to shave!
Rich playing with his Pussy.

You go girl!
Mardi Gras is coming to a close!

And none too soon for these party people. They're looking a little worst for wear!

We almost survived!

Eww. Gross.
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