Mardi Gras 03
2/28 - 3/6
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Well, once again (four years in a row for those keeping track) it was time for me to head down to New Orleans for the annual celebration of Carnival, which culminates on Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). This year's silly cast of miscreants included:

John. First time Mardi Graser, looking forward to seeing the beautiful architecture, and possible taking a Steam Boat trip up the Mississippi.

Kathy. Another first timer, looking forward to taking in some sightseeing, and listening to some live Jazz.

Christy. First timer, interested in the colorful food and costumes of New Olreans.

Victor. First timer as well, only came down because he'd always dreamed of having real Gumbo.

Dennis. Yet another first timer, Dennis was looking forward to meeting the interesting peoples of the Bayou.

Dave. First timer, interested in the history of New Orleans, especially Voodoo, the Vampires, the Cemetaries, and the Ghost Stories.

Rich. A second timer, he was there to see boobies.

Calvin. Fourth timer, looking for boobies.

Drew. Third timer. Likes boobies.

And of course, Spat. Fourth timer. Boobies.

First Boob Grab of the week! Of course, it's on Dave, so does that really count? (Photo from John)

NEW ORLEANS!!! (Photo from John)
Once we got to New Orleans, Drew, Dave, John and I still had to wait until everyone else's flights came in. So what better way to wait, than with a Hurricane at The Famous Door, watching hot, half naked women dancing on the bar?

Gotta love Mardi Gras!

Rich finally showed up, and it being his second trip to New Orleans, he was able to find us pretty easily.

The Freaks have arrived at Mardi Gras! (Photo from John)

Drew and Dave checking out the stage show.

John going into sensory overload already.

Body paint girls!
Dancing shot girls!
Then we all started doing shots. How can you not do them when this is how the shot girls give them to you?
The Crew. Getting bigger and bigger in each pic!

And this is Helen. The most evil shot girl on the planet. More about her later.....
Dave takes a shot in the mouth!
Evil, evil evil.

Almost got a flash!! (Photo from John) This is the last time I'm mentioning which are John's pics, just know that they are intermixed throughout the pages!

Then the Bacardi Girls showed up! Gotta love this. They gave out free t-shirts, hats, bandanas, you name it!
They also gave free shots of Bacardi, well, according to them, it is Bacardi Gras....
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.