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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday

Spat Costume #6 - Leeloo!! Or Spleeloo. Bada Big Boom. I am the Supreme Being.

Look who I found! It's TK BK!! In full effect!

Rodney loves my naughty costumes. Even if he pretends not to.

Marines! We are boob grabbing!!

Tony getting very touchy feely.

Zaphod Beeblebrox!


Black and red, red and black, you decide.

Gay Riddick!

Ladies love the Spleeloo.

Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca - Star Wars) gives me the "thumbs up".

Angie loves me, and that's all that matters.

Someone is too scared to get too close to me.

This crazy chick actually bit me on the ass. And it hurt!



Crazy Chick and Leon!

Little One!


My butt!



Ruby and I sharing some love.

Jenn getting some head from me.

Me and Kathy!

My favorite MILF. Hey, that's what she calls herself!

Hey, James muscling in on my action.


Another Leeloo!

Me and Sam! In many of these pics, it looks like I have a face full of Cheeto dust, but in actuality, we tried to dye my hair orange for the costume, but being Turkish and Italian, my hair will change no other color but gray. But my skin can change into a lot of colors. So a lot of people thought I got my "Red Wings" that night.

Hellboy! No, the red on my mouth was not from him!

Vader's Broom!


Me and Brian.

The Romulan.

Hot chick's Belly.

And some of the rest of the hot chick two nerds in the way.

JAMAL!! Sadly, I didn't get to hang out with Jamal much until AFTER the con was over.

Me and Ellen Muth (George - Dead Like Me). She's trying to look sexier than me, and it just ain't working.

Getting groped by Diz.

And the Caution Tape Folk!

Goth folk.

Me and Tracy. Sadly, didn't get many pics of Tracy in her costumes this weekend! What's up with that!?!?!

Me and George! He approves, since my costume is not from Star Wars.

But this one.. Eww.
Still more pics..