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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday

The girls are brought out one last time for the audience and the judges to get another look at them again.

Last year I didn't get a pic of me with all the ladies in the contest, or with the judges. So I promised myself that I would take one this year. Of course, as usual, I was too busy, and didn't get my pics. But Brian snuck in and got a lot. So now I need someone to crop my head on his body (ewww) just so I feel like I was actually there at the contest. Oh, wait... I was...

I feel bad for the people at the rest of the con who had to go through so much of the night without these lovely ladies!

25 contestants in all. Not a bad showing for 11:30 at night!

The ladies all lined up and waiting for the decision...

So much to think about... so hard to choose.

The judges deliberate..

The tension is mounting.

So, Jackie decides to steal my photographer and get some pics. Jackie with Kevin Sorbo.

Jackie with Tahmoh Penikett of Battlestar Galactica.

Jackie with Erick. I like how she made a point to get a pic taken with everyone at the contest, while most people who were there never even saw me.

Reid with his hero, Stephen Furst. Everyone gets in the pics but me. I go cry now.

Third place - Lady Death! Ken came up and helped us hand out the prizes for the ladies. And I finally got in some pics!! Yeah for me!

Second place - The Water Fairy. And she's standing next to me!

The Sash.. And the top of my head.

The crowd is getting restless..

Crowning the new Miss SpatCave!

The Grand Prize Winner! Note the smudge on my head. Now we have to find the clean spot on The Drow to see what I rubbed my head against.

Finally, a pic of me with the winners!!

Jackie does it again! Here she is with Aaron.

Miss SpatCave 2006 - Drow Matron!!

Reid sneaks in for a pic with Lady Death.
All in all, I think it was an amazing contest. Much bigger and better than the last one.
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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event..
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday