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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday

I'm Boob Grabbing the Alien!!

Chicks dig Spleeloo.



Marty, a legend in the convention Costuming community.

Me and Nat!

Me and Chris!

Rrok! He used to run the Spat Worship Website.

Devil Girl! Remember this girl, she scratched up Tony. There's a pic of the damage at the bottom of the page.

Chick in mesh.

Me and Chris!

Reno 911!

Another Leeloo!!

Duct Tape Girl!

Imperial Janitors.

Sexy cowgirl caution tape combo con crush.


Naughty girls.

Me and Albin!


Anakin! He needs some Neosporin, and should stay out of the sun.

That is one well trained Face Hugger!

What a Wookie!

I really thought she was wearing the Miss SpatCave stash. Imposter!

The Tin Woman. Well, she's contagious. She's making parts of me stiffen up.

James, feeling the love.

Darth Brooks. That's right, Darth Brooks. We would have also accepted, Garth Vader.

I have no idea.

Sally from a Nightmare Before Christmas. If anyone knows who this is under the make-up, e-mail Tony.

She was the Leeloo from the Miss SpatCave contest! Her boyfriend actually asked me if I had heard about the contest or seen it. Hmmm... Let me think...

Brian getting spanked.

Naughty Spanking Girl.

Me and some Goth folk, who may, or may not have been in costume.


I went into the Green Room and bumped into Ken. He just couldn't keep his hands off me!

Don't know if she's in a costume, or just in her underwear, but I totally dig it!

Goth Pirates?

Con Rule #34 - Never drink from an unlabelled bottle...

A Girl Scout! Naughty naughty!

It's a member of the Latin Klings!

Javier and Ceaser... or Ceaser and Javier...

She stole my vibrating slipper!!

Hey! These are what we used as the base for the Captain Bucky helmets! (And be sure to check out the Captain Bucky Trailer!!)

Me and Scott.

Me and Miss SpatCave out of make-up! I yelled at her for not wearing her Sash.

These are the scratches that Miss SpatCave gave to Brian. Scary!


Tony's scratch from Devil Girl!
And that's when I made myself the promise that I would never drink again.... Until tomorrow.
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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday