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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday

Me hosting.

And being told by Jackie that no one wants to hear me, they want to see the girls!
Amythest walks the runway!

And here is Evil tempting another soul!

The illusive White Tiger!

The Judges, hard at work! Note to self, next year we have to separate Aaron and Steve. They were having too much fun being right at the end of the stage and with no table between them and the girls.

The Devil! If you look closely, you'll see Erick Avari (Stargate, Mr. Deeds) on the right side. He asked if he could be a judge, but sadly we had too many judges as it was. But in a lot of these photos he is in the corner with the biggest smile on his face. I'm glad he had a good time.

The Golden Goddess slinking her way down the aisle.

Leeloo Dallas. Big Bada Boom.

Gretel following Hansel's trail.

Chain Mail. This is her second Miss SpatCave contest.

The Drow Matron. A big hit for the Dungeons and Dragons fans.

The Sea Nymph beckoning sailors to their doom.

Eve. Tempting all our judges with a bite of her apple.

The White Rabbit. I don't think anyone in the room would hasten to follow her down the hole.

Another return contestant, Sultry Southern Nights.
Lady Death. And it wasn't until the next night that I realized who it was under the make-up!

Mrs. Scissorhands! Too bad her husband is the jealous kind.

Race to The Finish Line. Sadly, most men in the room had finished before she even made it off stage. The carpets had to be steam cleaned.

The Water Fairy. I keep promising to bring a big net and catch all the fairies and drag them back to my room... Maybe next year.

The Mistress of DragonCon. I am always in the mood for Chinese.

Miss Treatment. If nurses really looked like that, I'd break my arm weekly.

Alexia from A Clockwork Orange. Sadly, a lot of people never saw that movie and didn't get it. Also, she's another return contestant, and least year, she got 3rd place.

Schoolgirl Camo Bloodrayne. The most heavily armed girl in the contest, she could have easily forced the judges to vote for her!

Little Red Riding Whore. She ain't afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf.

Dawn. I wish I could make some comments, but I've never read a Dawn Comic Book. :(
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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday