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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday
At most conventions, Sunday is the day everyone packs up and goes home. But since Monday is Labor day, Sunday at DragonCon is like Saturday at every other con! It's the BIG party night!

The Mario Brothers!

Stormtroopers? I did notice a lot less Stormtrooper this year than other years, and a huge increase in new, original and unique costumes. Though I do love the Star Wars costumes, I love even more when people impress with new and funky stuff.

Some Episode 3 Troopers.

Reid and Orli. So cute.

I have no idea what this is.




A gaggle of Fetts.

Look, a Pirate! Been seeing a lot more pirates at DragonCon lately.


Urban Camo Colonial Marine. That's the first time I've seen a set of my armor painted like that!

The X-Men meet Gabriel from Constantine.

Spat Costume #5 - Al Bundy in "NO MAAM". I just like keeping my hand down my pants.

Lara, way too overdressed.

It's the Super Guy!!

Censored chicks.

Glover and Lisa as some kind of Gay Fett nerd variation.

Rich as a V nerd. V for Visitor, not Vendetta.

The crew of V.

Sam, you are not a princess.

Ruby as The Greatest American Hero! With a Perm!

The Wolfe Brothers team, Brian, Nick and Justin. As awesome as ever!

Kathy, you are still not a princess.

Don't tell, because I didn't ask!

Leon and his new "Pirates" tattoo.

Jenny in.. a costume. Sorry, I have no idea what this is.

Arturo is his awesome Jango Fett costume.

Savage sucking.

John gets lucky.

A Cowgirl, a Maul and a Devil walk into a bar..

Fin and Sam sharing a tender moment.. before heading off to get a room together.

Jack Skellington!

Butters!! Oh, I mean Professor Chaos from South Park

Mmm.. Yaya..
Then I went and put on my customary "Naughty Sunday Night Costume"..
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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday