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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday
The DragonCon parade is a huge tradition that gets bigger and bigger every year. I only get to march in it on rare occasions, but I'm always happy when I do.

The Raiders team!!

Glover and Lisa Eviling up the Parade.

The Spat Mobile. Oh, my bad. The Bat Mobile.

Wonder Woman!

The Ghost Busters! And they are ready to believe me!

Klingon Bikers!

Jor El, Kal El, Lara Lor Von.

Marines!! I finally got some pics with my Marines! These are all my suits! Woo Hoo!! Looking good!


The Holy Grail! Note the guys with Coconuts behind the main group, and the Holy Hand Grenade and the Killer Rabbit!

Robin's getting a little up there in years, huh?

Marine Butts.

Kal El!

The Riddler and Batman.

Belly Dancers and Drummers.

A moth? Maybe? Or maybe one of the Vampire chick from Van Helsing. Maybe.

Harry Potter folk.

The Goonies!!


My ride!



Tony filming it all.

Every so often a Face hugger would manage to take down a Marine. But I think we got them all.

Mmmm... Slave Leia...

Bug attack!



Bat Girl!

Tony getting friendly with a girl in Superman Underoos.

Home made Troopers.

Spat Costume #3 - Colonial Marine!! Finally in armor again!

Spat Costume #4 - Dodge Ball!! Very few people got it.

Threepio again.

I have no idea, but they looked awesome.

Leeloo Dallas Multipass!

Another bug attack!!

Vera Vanguard packing heat.

Jenny as Super Girl!

And then, FINALLY, Leon arrived!

Glover and Lisa and Lisa's butt.

Nat showing off her Heart Of An Empire Button.

Me and Diz in her awesome Aeon Flux costume. If there ever was a person MADE to wear a particular costume, this is it!
After this, I had to run over to the Miss SpatCave contest and start setting that up.
But since no one is interested in seeing that kind of stuff, just click the button for page 7 so you don't have to waste your time.
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Just to make it easier on people looking for pics by day or event...
Thursday , Friday , Parade , Miss SpatCave 1 , Miss SpatCave 2 , Miss SpatCave 3 , Saturday Night , Sunday Day , Sunday Night 1 , Sunday Night 2 , Monday