Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
Brian had mentioned to me an idea he had for an NC-17 Costume Contest for this DragonCon. I thought it would be a good idea, and when I next heard about it, it had my name attached to it. It slowly evolved into the Miss SpatCave NC-17 Costume Contest. Due to the Mature nature of the contest, it was moved to 11:30 pm, and we were required by law to check ID and be sure that everyone in the room was at leat 18 years old.
I arrived at 11 pm to set up for it and found this:

At final count before we opened the door, there were 820 people waiting outside to be let in. Sadly, the room they gave us only holds 120. We did get a few more people in there, and the contest was under way...

Since it was a Mature Themed contest, some of these pics have been modified. None of the ladies went topless, but one man did. And just to be evil, I've decided to even cover up the pasties. HA! You should have been there.
The contestants!

Contestant #1 - Tracy
Costume - Catwoman
Turn ons - Tight Clothes
Turn offs - Bad Breath
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #2 - Stephanie
Costume - Princess Daphne from Dragon's Lair
Turn ons - Gaming, Costumes, Role-Playing, Hot Guys, Other Women
Turn offs - Boring People, People with no Imagination, Prejudice
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #3 - Cristal
Costume - Pfil
Turn ons - Anything Big. Which is everything since she's the size of a chipmunk
Turn offs - Fly Swatters
One wish - To Know What Spat Was

Contestant #4 - Casey
Costume - Satyr
Turn ons - Satyr Boys and all the other contestants, Rawr!
Turn offs - Gropey Photo Ops
One wish - One Peaceful Night with Spat, Spat's Nuts, and a Million Dollars

Contestant #5 - Emily
Costume - None
Turn ons - Fresh Strawberries and Cream
Turn offs - None
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #6 - Joellyn
Costume - Amazon Mating Ritual
Turn ons - Any Man that Comes Within Her Territory
Turn offs - None
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #7 - Joshua
Costume - Bacchus - God of Wine, Poetry, Sacred Fluids
Turn ons - Emotionally Open and Perceptive Women
Turn offs - Dishonesty
One wish - World Peace

Contestant #8 - Chesh
Costume - Poison Ivy
Turn ons - Vinyl, Velvet, A Good Music Collection, and Nice Dice
Turn offs - The Fanboy Stink
One wish - One Million Dollars

Contestant #9 - Jennifer
Costume - Schoolgirl
Turn ons - Candy and Boys
Turn offs - None
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #10 - Amythest
Costume - Slave Leia
Turn ons - Geeky Talk, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Duran Duran, Sexy Guys in Costume, Spat!!!, and Connor Trinneer!!
Turn offs - Smacking Gum and Bad Breath
One wish - To Kiss Connor Trinneer

Contestant #11 - Jackie
Costume - Phedre
Turn ons - Beards
Turn offs - Smelly People
One wish - One Million Dollars and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #12 - Jennifer
Costume - Alice @ DragonCon
Turn ons - Gaming, Biting, Spanking, Candle Light, Humorous People
Turn offs - People Who Don't Bathe
One wish - To Find the White Rabbit

Contestant #13 - Maeve
Costume - Adventure
Turn ons - Sword Fighters
Turn offs - Rudeness
One wish - World Peace

Contestant #14 - Tracy
Costume - Gothic Lolita
Turn ons - Nerds, Geeks, Spat
Turn offs - None
One wish - World Peace, One Night With Spat, One Million Dollars, and To Kick Spat in the Nuts

Contestant #15 - Megan
Costume - Bad Kitty
Turn ons - Dominant Women with Long Hair
Turn offs - Preppy Boys
One wish - One Night With Spat

Contestant #16 - Claire
Costume - Armour
Turn ons - None
Turn offs - None
One wish - One Million Dollars
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!