Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
It is official. BEST CON EVER!!! I could not have dreamed of a better way to celebrate my fifth year at DragonCon. Seeing old friends again, making new ones, defending my title as Spat, and of course, being given my own costume contest. What more could someone want? Well, the only thing that may have made it better would have been having a little more free time for an occasional nap. What a long weekend it was.
So, without further ado (as I know you all came here for one reason), here are the pics!!

Eugenia's feet. I must say, it's always a shock to get home after a convention, upload the pics, and see what the very first picture taken was. I would have bet cash money that it would not have been Eugenia's feet. I would have lost.

"Mongo, EAT!"

Thinks he's getting some...

Then Steve asked me to keep an eye on his camera while he went to the bathroom. This is kind of what he meant, isn't it?



Eugenia hiding her feet this time.


Fin and Albin. I will say this many times over the course of these pages, HUGE thanks to Fin for all the work she put in to helping me get my Spattle costume ready in time. She is a true friend!

Calvin! Calvin and I attended the 2000 and 2001 DragonCons together, but since then he's been working so much he hasn't been able to make it. I am so glad he finally made it back to one.

Julie! Who complained that I owed her a free copy of "Spat Gone Wild DragonCon 2004" because she crawled around on the floor licking up milk on it. But she was going to do that anyway...


I must say, over the years I have seen Kilt wearing take on a life of it's own. I always swore I would never wear one just for the fact that I know people would be sticking cameras under there, or trying to lift it up. Scary.

Calvin, Fin and Cricket. I was so great to see Cricket getting back into Con life.

Brian! Showing the world his anal bum cover.

Woo Hoo! It's Spat!!

Cricket and Kathy getting crazy! I still don't remember why I took so many pictures...

I'm not 100% sure what Fin is doing to me here, but I am smiling, so it must be good.

Mike Creager's table in the dealers room was showcasing the hot new thing at DragonCon! And what's really funny is that so many people came up to me over the weekend to warn me that there were dealers selling my DVD!! Of course they are, it's cool!!

My horny Purple Duck from Jennifer. He's a little tired now.

This is what happens when you ban smoking in the con.

The Challenger!! C.C.!! That's right, bitch, you going down!

This was his badge. Of course, on Monday, I made sure I crossed it out.

Spat gets a little pussy.

Almost the same color. I think she was trying to copy my duck!

Tony!! He's a big fan of the SpatCave and told me that while in Afghanistan for a year, the only thing he looked forward to more than coming home was a new escapade to check out on the website! And now he's in one! I'm like the Make A Wish Foundation of Fandom.
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!
The 2005 DragonCon Escapade is dedicated to the memories of Katie Johnson and Michael Sheard. Two friends who will be sorely missed.