Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
And here are all the cool costumes I managed to get pics of over the course of the weekend. I figured it was easier to just put them all on one page.



Snake guy from StarGate.

Joellyn in a see through outfit.

I see dead people...

Tracy's butt.

More cleavage. Gotta love it.


Joellyn. I wonder if her costume is made of beef jerky? That would be cool.

Mmm... Ya Ya...

Tracy. Gotta love Tracy.

I love cleavage.

Slave Leias.

I like it a lot.

No idea. But I like it.

Sith Cheerleaders!

Lego man!!

Here kitty kitty. Damn. I'm sure she's heard that one a thousand times. So how about... I want to pet the pussy. Is that better?

Batty Batty Batty! And Miss Batty Batty Batty.

Girls with big sticks scare me. I get hit a lot.

Shake it!

Karen as the Elephante. Or something like that.

Aeon Flux.

Now that is funny.

I was really just trying to see if the flash would make her costume see through...

Queen of the Nile!


Go Zim!!

Caution Tape. Tsk. Been done before. By me. And better. :)


Mmmm.... Ya Ya....
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!