Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2

An amazing shot that Fin took of the wall.

Our illustrious Judges:
Brian Holloway, Alexis Cruz, Chris Owens, Mary Oyaya, Daniel Logan, Cheralyn Lambeth, and Connor Trinneer
And the winners are...

In third place - Megan as Bad Kitty!!

In second place - Casey as Satyr!!
And the grand prize, the official Miss SpatCave 2005....

Tracy as Gothic Lolita!!
Be sure to congratulate Tracy!!
Big thanks to Fin for taking the pics, to Keg Boy for taking the video, to the Costuming track folk for organizing and setting it all up, to the judges or showing up, to the fans for showing up, to the ladies for showing up, and to everyone involved for putting up with the incredible amount of heat these lovely ladies were putting out!
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!