Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2

Kathy sticking it out without intending to use it.

The official DragonCon cheat sheet. Carry this around and as you find people, you can be sure to remember their names. Or else it's DragonCon Bingo.

Tony is also planning to head to Iraq soon as a Contractor. He must love Camels.

Peter and Angie! It was so great seeing these two again, I was really worried they weren't going to be coming this year.

Sarah!! Sarah was nice enough to being some Con Virgins with her this year for us to corrupt.

Tracy, who I swear wore at least two costumes a day at the con.

Lafiel and Tracy of Shuttergirls with me. So many sandwich jokes I want to make....

A whole group decided to go in a set of costumes called LASH. The Legion of Alcoholic Super Heroes. I thought the Legion of Un-Sober Heroes was funnier as it would spell LUSH, but no one ever listens to me. Here I am in my costume, "Fuzzy Navel".

Me and Peter, back again at a bar. He's a very bad influence on me.

More LASH members, "Jersey Girl", and "Silver Bullet".

Misty, a Con Virgin. So many cherry popping jokes I want to make...

Misty and Tony.

"Jersey Girl" with "Shot Girl".

Me and Fin. Oops, I gave away her secret identity!

Joyce looking for an excuse to be bad at the con.

The back of my "Fuzzy Navel" costume. I think that's supposed to be a Navel, but it looks like a deformed boob, strategically placed on my back just for slow dancing.

Mike as Lando! Awesome costume!!

Calvin didn't have a LASH costume, so we ran out to an Army Surplus store and bought his costume. He is now.... "Black Russian"!!

Me and Brian. Brian runs the Costuming track at DragonCon, and it if weren't for him, there would be no Miss SpatCave Costume Contest!!

Joellyn joining us at the table.

Me and Jamal. Another new friend this year that I was very happy to meet. Very cool guy!

Danny goes incognito.

Jamin in a really sweet "V" costume. Jamin runs the Leia's Metal Bikini website. Be sure to check it out and tell him to put up the pics of me in the Slave Leia costume!!

CC as a naked Sim. That was freaking funny! He so would have won the Spattle if he had been wearing this costume.

Dawn!! I know I plug this site way too much, but check out Panic Struck Productions to get all the info on Star Wars Revelations!

Me and JP. JP owns about 400 Kilts. No idea why.

Julie and I. I do think that she has the harshest tasting cherry that you will love to chew on. Did that come out wrong? No, it didn't.

Tracy just can't get enough of me.

Jenny! I don't know what the costume is, but then again, I usually don't. I'm really not into costumes. I'm more out of costumes.

This year there were a lot of girls in hats going around. I kinda like the trend.

Natalie!! Figures she would go with the Oktoberfest costume! And she does it well. She's actually "Heidi Ho"! She can carry 10 gallons of beer with her mighty jugs!

Cricket and Joe. "Cosmo Queen" and "Martini Man". What kind of a freak wears a Tuxedo to a convention? How silly.

Shipley!! Who invited Conan Obrien to DragonCon?

Kelley, also in a Kilt. We need more Squirrels at conventions. That would stop the Kilt wearing once and for all. Yes, that was a nut joke. Damn, you people are slow.

Me and Joellyn. Though for some reason I'm almost cut out of the pic.

I don't know which of these four scare me the most...
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!