Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2

Calvin's Guest of a Guest badge.

And we have a winner for last costume of the con!!

Jennifer and Jackie in SpatCave shirts! I really should make the shirts even smaller...

Brian stealing the SpatCave Ladies Tank!

Alba! Still floating around, even after the con is over!
After the Con was all over, Fin took us out to a place called 10 High for Metalsome Mondays. Basically, it's a live band playing 80's and 90's metal, but it's Karaoke! You get to sing along! Sounded interesting when she described it, but to see it in person was hilarious!!

Bam Bam trying to flirt with me.

This is the pressure that comes out of the hand dryer at 10 High. That's some scary stuff.

Jay belting out Foolin' by Def Leppard. And he rocked the house.

Who would have ever thought to look at him?

Kathy smacking Calvin. What else is new?
Afterwards we headed to...

WAFFLE HOUSE!!! For us, Waffle House is a huge treat because we don't have one up here in New York.

Yummy yummy.

Mmm... Hash Browns all the way...

And of course, Bam Bam loves to fart.
Well, that's it for main story page. All that's left are pics of the costumes from the weekend, the Miss SpatCave contest and the Spattle In Atlantle, which I know no one wants to read.
Big thanks to: (in no particular order)
Matt Foster for inviting me back to the Film Track (or festival), and for letting Jedi House into the Film Festival.
Brian Holloway for inviting me back for the Costuming Track, and for coming up with the idea of the Miss SpatCave costume contest! Here's to next year in a bigger room!
Fin for putting in so much extra work on my costume. I couldn't have done it without you!
Everyone who came to the Miss SpatCave Costume Contest! And a big apology to those who couldn't make it in.
All the ladies (and the one guy) who entered the Costume Contest! I wish you all could have won... or at least all come up to my room afterwards for some naughty fun...
CC for being such a good sport with the Spattle. That was something else. I still can't believe how many people knew about it.
And to everyone else who came down and was a part of a great, great weekend. Can't wait for the next one!
Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Costumes, Miss SpatCave, Miss SpatCave 2, The Spattle, Spattle Page 2
The DVD version of this Escapade is available in the SpatCave Store!