DragonCon 2010

9/1/10 - 9/7/10


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Amy in Paul's Marine Gear.


Baz and his starving brain sucker.

Nice! Magnets on the Magazine Well!

Alien on Alien violence!



Aimee in her Firefly costume!

Zap upgrades to a real weapon!


Starving Brain Sucker.

Lynn gets some Science.

What you don't realize is that these guys are covered in small vibrators. So when they hug someone, it's a shocking experience!

So charming.

Now that's a costume!

When Anthony becomes fixated on something you have to distract him with beer.

Alien Pizza Delivery!! I would not suggest eating the special sauce.


Classic BSG!

Poor Brain Sucker.


Aimee in her Sexy Imperial Officer costume!

Lynn is about to dive on this guy!

Nice costume!

Sock Monkey Leia!


Z cross dresses for the first time! Turns out he's a perfect size 2.

Honor and Jenna. My favorite Ironettes!

Allison is an Instant Lesbian!


Me, Lena and Mike! And yes, I'm in the Silk Spectre costume from Watchmen! What can I say? I put the Drag in DragonCon!

Me and Baz!

Then Little One took the camera and wandered!



The crew!

Spat's butt!

No boobs. :(


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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com