I guess I should say something about the weekend here. DragonCon
is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention that takes place every Labor Day weekend
in Atlanta Georgia. I've been there four years in a row, but this year
things in my life had changed. I had already done a bunch of other conventions
as a guest, and wondered if I was popular enough to warrant that same
status at DragonCon. After all, this is the biggest convention of it's
kind on the East Coast, and it's also my favorite convention to attend.
off, months before the convention I contacted Matt Foster, who runs
the Independent Film Track at DragonCon and asked about doing some panels
at the con. He liked the idea, and then mentioned that I may want to
apply for guest status. I was wary, but contacted Pat Henry (the Capo
de Capo of DragonCon) and asked if I should bother filling out an application
for the convention. He told me "We've gotten worse applications,
give it a shot, you never know." With glowing accolades like that,
how could I refuse! I sent in my application, got accepted, and then
was contacted by Brian Holloway who was running the new Costuming Track
at the convention and he gave me a list of Panels he was adding me to.
So I headed down to Atlanta, to attend my first DragonCon as a guest!
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11

first I thought I had mixed up the pics from last year with the ones
from this year. Isn't this how last year's DragonCon page started....?

armor man himself!

this year at the Hyatt bar are all served in little tiny glasses on
the head of an R2 Droid. And yes, I did fill those little glasses with
beer and Jack Daniel's!

Julie, and Kathy drinking R2's fluids. Ewww...

being VERY clear about what she wants.

sending me a very clear message as well!

or Javier, or Fred.

Sacrilege. For those who don't know, this is the Brit who ran the New
York Marathon in full Stormtrooper armor. I think he completed it in
just under 9 days. Also, he appeared on the British version of Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy. Sadly, it didn't stick.

with Brian!

And she thought I would forget her name!
of the perks of being a guest at DragonCon. Oral from the fans!

trying to guess what Kathy's breath smells like.

hypnotized by his own Pac Man Pantomime act!

administering a self breast exam.

discovering himself at the bar.

the Hotel's Mariachi band is getting freakier and freakier every year.

in her fairy costume.

Predator pulling a Boob Grab on an Alien!
#1 Costuming for Conventions.

room only for the first ever panel on the Costuming Track!

at me answering questions! Ok, mostly I was trying to burp the alphabet.

with the MAN!! Brian Holloway! The Guru of costuming at DragonCon!

oh... a Predator... Thankfully I'm not in the Alien costume, or he might
try to Boob Grab me! Actually, I just found out that it's a woman in
the Predator costume.. Now where the hell is my Alien costume!!

in her... well, I guess it's a costume, but it's hard to focus long
enough to figure out what costume it is...
#2 SFX Make-Up; How to Make a Zombie.

great panel that started off with a bang as Tom Savini decided to crack
a real bullwhip, and instead, hit my friend Tony AND my video camera.
I immediatley ran over to make sure the camera was ok.
Foster would break down the situation of what a filmmaker wants, and
how much he wants to spend, and we would each explain how we would go
about making the effects cheap. Then the audience would also ask questions
on effects, blood, and mak-up in general. A really fun panel!