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the thumbnails to see the full sized pic)

Eric helping
Frank get his name tag off. Trying a little too hard if you ask me....

and Nat. We gave them new names this weekend as well. Jennie became
"Privileged", and Nat became "Ms. Grope".

on the bar.
Then it
was off to Hooters with the gang.
I had
to carry "Little P" and when we walked in, there was a huge
group of Klingons there having lunch. I pointed Little P at them and
Little P gave them the finger, so one of them threw a Teddy Bear at
me yelling, "Eat Ewok" or something. So I claimed the Teddy
as my new friend as well.

Rob doing
his impression of a Troll Doll on Crack.

those wings are hot!"

got your hot wings right here!"

in her Rose Tinted Glasses. Actually, Rose was at SpatCon in Indy, and
met a guy there, they fell in love, and moved in together. Awww.....
I'm such the matchmaker.

Birthday party at Hooters.

and Rob dancing a merry jig.

Our own
private Hooter girl, Jena.

like the Midget in Scott's head is trying to get out, balls first.

My future
ex wife, Sarah. Hooters.......

Nick (or
Brian, they are twins, and in make-up it's kind of tough to tell them
apart) as Darth Maul hitting on my woman.

This is
what happens when you stare directly at the hooters.

I must
say, Little P was quite the Ladies Jawa. He saw more action that weekend
than anyone!

Me and
the Hooter Girls. One fantasy I can now check off the list.

And then
everyone wanted a picture with them!
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