- 9/3/02
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the thumbnails to see the full sized pic)
decided to show everyone what a Boob Grab was supposed to be. See, a
real Boob Grab is done a few inches from the person's body, there should
be no actual physical contact. Watch:

My hand slipped.

you're Captain Kirk, I'm Uhura."

The Maid
cutting loose after her shift.

trying the old, "Take my picture while I'm standing next to this
hot girl so it looks like we're together" trick. I don't think
it worked.

It's the Vampire Ninjas from Blade 2!!

Cation Tape Girl, how we've missed you.

I think
Calvin is trying to suck the lipstick through this poor girl's neck,
but I'm not 100% sure.

doing the Double Boob Grab on Susan. I've started and evil trend.

I tried
to warn him, never drink anything a Klingon offers you that comes in
a Wine Skin. Did Calvin listen? No, he get really, really drunk.
had quite the comment about this girl's... assets, and ended up having
to have his mouth taped shut.
And the
first in a new series of evil, "The attack of the Boob Grabbing
I finally decided to go hit a Track. There was a seminar on Special
Effects, and so I headed down to check it out. On the way I was kidnapped
by 4 Troopers in full gear and dragged up to the lobby. Then I was put
against the wall and groped, a lot! I was kind of freaked out until
they took off thier helmets and found out that they were all women!
to say, I didn't make it to the seminar.
was also the day that people from the next Convention taking place at
the Hyatt began showing up. And who were they? The Baptist Convention.
Can you guess what happened when they saw all the freaks from DragonCon
wandering around? They called security. So the cops were there asking
people to cover up if they were a little too undressed, and Security
was very quick to shut down any room parties that got even a little
too loud. You would think the Baptists would have called before booking
it and asked what was going on that weekend, just in case they'd be

Dion with
his Plaid Pauldron, which makes him part of the George Lucas Patrol.

Lara and
Rich. "Wanna see my pistol?"

just not right!"

Hey, fish
need love, too.

Eric posing
his little friend.
Tank Girl!!
And Frank partaking in a "Boob Bath".

Tony and
his new friend.


Tony got
a new nickname that weekend, and wore his new badge proud. For about
30 seconds. Then he took it off and put it on the Jawa, so he became
known as "Little Pussy".
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you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spatcave.com