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For those not in the loop, Mina is my Turkish wife who I haven't seen in over 2 years. After she beat the hell out of me for not coming back to Turkey sooner, we made up and got ready for a night on the town none of us would soon forget.

Isn't she cute?
We met up with Ozgur at La Jolla and Serdar made us a special dinner that wasn't on the menu as a parting gift since we were leaving the next day really late.

I don't know what Ozgur is laughing at, or what Drew is staring at, but I'm sure it can't be good.

Mina stole the shirt that Drew brought for Ozgur. He was going to give it to him on our last night there, but decided to stop holding it over his head and just let him have it. Until Mina saw it.

Drew doesn't look too happy, but Ozger looks downright pissed.
Don't worry, she gave it back.

Drew had to actually fold the shirt up just to hand it to Ozger. He's such a girl.

Me and Mina! (photo courtesy of Drew)

Kissy kissy.

This is the general reaction most people have to Mina. I don't know why.

Serdar brought down Chucky again, and Mina took him for a walk.

Serdar and Chucky. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Serdar has also trained his dog to stick his head up women's skirts. Oddly enough, I have had the same training.
Serdar informed us that Chucky was bi-lingual with three words; Sit, Fuck and Eat. Coincidentally, those are the same three words that Drew is bi-lingual with!
Serdar liked us so much (for some reason), he called his best friend and vouched for us to get us on the guest list at the coolest club in town. The Catamaran. What is it? It's a huge floating nightclub that sets sail every night at about 1 am and doesn't come back until 5 am. At one point, my father went to the Catamaran thinking it was a regular nightclub. He was there for an hour when he decided to leave, only to find that he was in the middle of the sea!
We got the Catamaran, went past the line, and Ozgur told the manager we were on the list. They checked, and Serdar had mentioned that there was a New York City Police Officer in the group. So we were escorted through the door, and to the dock (skipping the 40 Lira per person cover charge). We were stopped at a metal detector area where there were bouncers with those metal detecting wands. When the guy moved towards us to check us for weapons, the manager screamed and ran over to stop him. Seems that he just assumed we were armed, and didn't want to frighten anyone when the detectors went off.
From there, we made it onto the boat, crossed the HUGE dance floor and we walked to the second floor VIP area. These are tables on a balcony overlooking the dance floor, and they cost 1,000 Lira to reserve. From there we were escorted to a private side balcony (the only one like it in the place) which is where the owner sits when he's on board. Since he wasn't, they gave it to us. Apparently, there is no price for it, as it is not given out. A chain was placed across the entry way to our balcony, and an armed guard was placed outside it to keep us safe. All night long he moved people away if they lingered too long near the area, or tried to walk anywhere near our balcony.
Because of the exclusivity of the area we were in and the security in place, everyone in the club assumed we had to be very famous people, and they all kept trying to look over and see who was sitting there. If we spotted someone looking too hard, or trying to take a picture, we would hide our faces and move to the other side of the balcony.
We're so bad. But in a good way.

This is the upper VIP area.

And this is Mina dancing up a storm on the balcony.

Me and Mina on the couch in the owner's box. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Drew enjoying the fruit and nut plate they gave us. He enjoyed it even more since he discovered that you can de-shell a pistachio nut, instead of eating it shell and all. That's right, he popped a pistachio nut into his mouth on the first night we were in town, bit it, realized it was crunchier than the other nuts. He didn't want to be rude and spit it out, so he chewed it up and swallowed it. Stupid American Tourist.

Mina goes hatless.

Ozgur trying to flash the crowd with the back of his new NYPD Harbor Patrol shirt in the hopes of picking up women!

Ahhh, me.

Where the hell is her hand going? Note to self: Kill Ozgur and Mina....

By the end of the night her necklace had gotten tangled into her bra strap and it took me twenty minutes to unknot it! Pretty, but dangerous. Much like her. :)



We danced a lot. And we drank a lot.

Looks like Drew is about to fall off the balcony.
At the end of the night, after we killed a bottle of Jack Daniels (which we know costs 500 Lira at another club in town due to the fact that the importers are having trouble getting Jack into Turkey) we fully assumed we were looking at an enormous bar tab. We were actually a little scared. But, wouldn't you know it, they don't charge for drinks on the owner's balcony!! Woo Hoo!!
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