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Drew instructs us on how to do a shot. First, lick the shot.

Next, breath on the shot.

Wrap your lips around it pretending it's your boyfriend's... well, you know.

And then swallow. Or spit. What the hell do I care?
Drew had a thing for Chantal, probably mostly because Aydin had a thing for her first. So he asked me to take a pic of him with Chantal.

First, I took a pic of their feet.

Next, Ozgur jumped in and ruined it.

Then Danny came in to ruin the shot.

Then this magically flying glass of Jack and Diet flew into the shot.

And finally, Drew got his pic.

But he still wasn't happy with it, so I had to take two more.

Danny trying to hug me.

Me, Danny and Aydin.

"I'm a cop, and can slap you really hard if you don't take your clothes off NOW!"

Me and the other Pure! owner.

I have no idea who this guy is, but he seemed really happy to see me.

After last call, we headed to Cafe Del Mar, and Aydin showed me a dollar bill that Calvin and I gave him five years ago! He still has it! I wonder if he knows it's worth money?

The crowd of drunks that wandered over here from Pure. The girl sitting next to me was by far the rudest, most obnoxious, and cruelest woman I have ever met. She had not one nice thing to say about anything. Super bitch would be the only way to describe her. We're getting married this Spring.

Aydin meditating.

And then sleeping. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Ozgur and Drew. I think Ozgur is just about to push Drew out the window.

"Oh, no, Godzilla!"

"Was 'Oh, no, Godzilla!' really the best you could come up with?"

Yet another picture of a picture.

Behind Cafe Del Mar are cushions set up on the beach so you can hang out all night getting silly. Drew met a Turk who lives in New York, and also works at Halikarnas, the biggest nightclub around that no one goes to.

Drunks on cushions smoking cigarettes at 6am. Fun fun fun.

The annoying girl. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Still drunk. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Drew, shocked and then thinking hard. (photo courtesy of Drew)
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