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We headed over to Xuma beach club to meet up with Serdar. He made us Sushi!! It was awesome!!

Then he made us some Souffle! Drew's had a hole in it so he could do naughty things to it.

Mine had no hole in it, but damn, it was amazing.

Yummy yummy.

Ozgur laid out to relax, but then got attacked by a colony of ants.

He looks so cute, especially when picking ants out of his crotch. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Ozgur's tattoo. It's supposed to say "Free", but someone told him it actually says "Rabbit". (photo courtesy of Drew)

La Jolla!!
After dinner we headed out to a town called Gumbet! This is a place where all the British tourists stay. So Drew wanted to check the place out!

Drew looks shocked at the size of the beer in front of him!

I really started to feel bad for these guys. We kept them up all night every night. Lightweights.


Drew gets a beer shower.
Everyplace we went, it seemed like Aydin knew someone. A bartender, bouncer, Dee Jay, someone. Everyone in Bodrum is like his second cousins, best friends, sisters, boyfriend, friend who went to college with a guy who knew a guy whose friend used to work for a guy with a limp whose uncle had a lazy eye and had an evil twin whose mothers cleaning lady's friend... and on and on and on...

Ahh, Gumbet!

Me and Aydin. I can't tell if I'm screaming, or crying, or a little bit of both. (photo courtesy of Drew)

Vulkan, Nalan's son, came out with us as well, and was the first to even get to touch a girl that night! It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for....

Now that's an ad you feel comfortable seeing on a wall in Turkey. Especially if you've seen Midnight Express.

Drew is a very bad man. How dare he take these kinds of pictures.


Drew getting ready for his "Self Prostate Exam".

Drew (finger firmly in butt) and me!

Drew getting mad that I pulled the finger out.

I am a dancing machine.

Like the see through shirt...

Lemon juice in the eye!!
Actually, Drew was drinking Miller Genuine Draft, and squeezed a lemon into it as if it was a Corona. THen he turned the bottle upside down to get the lemon to mix throughout the beer. When he turned the bottle rigthside up and took his thumb off the top of it, it squirted lemony beer juice right into my eye!! And damn it hurt. Then he did it again, and got me in the same eye!! I hate that guy.

Look at him. Acting all casual after ruining my eyesight!

Here's our waiter that night. I had to get a pic with him, since he's probably the most honest waiter around (or Aydin's cousin). Every other night in Bodrum or Turkbuku, a round of drinks was running us like 70 Turkish Lira (or about $50). I went to pay for the round of drinks in Gumbet, but it turned out that no one else needed a drink, so I was only paying for one. It was 8 Lira. But I thought he said 80 Lira and gave him 100 Lira. He could easily have kept it, but instead argued with my drunk ass until I understood it was only 8 Lira. The sad thing is, the drunker I get, the better my Turkish gets, and it still took me a while to figure it out. Funny enough, Drew, who has only been learning Turkish for a week, was speaking Turkish pretty well when he was drunk. Unfortunately, once he did get drunk, his English was crap!

"So, how much for the hour?"

Drew giving the finger to the guy somewhere over my left shoulder.

Driving home... (photo courtesy of Drew)

My dad took us up into the hills of Turkbuku to show us a new Villa he's building. It's coming along nicely, and just look at that view!
Just when I thought the vacation was going as good as it could possibly get, something happened that changed it all.....
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