really late today. Miray and Nazli were waiting for me at Maki, but
I decided to relax at Tiyatro for a bit before heading over.
Then I got a call from Nurhan. "Who is Nurhan" you may be
asking. She's Idil's best friend. A girl that I've never met or spoken
to. Why was she calling me?
To tell me to call Idil. I figured something was wrong with Idil. Upset
about yesterday or in an accident or something.
So I called.
She was sitting right next to Nurhan the whole time, but wanted me to
call her. Why? Because her phone will only accept incoming calls because
she hasn't got any more time left on her phone.
Turkish mobile phones are all on the "pay as you go" system,
so until she buys another control card (or some sucker buys one for
her), she's stuck only getting incoming calls.
Why didn't she just use Nurhan's phone to talk to me rather than have
me call back? I have no idea.
I swear, if I live to be 32, I'll never understand women.
So what did she want? She wanted me to meet her and Nurhan for lunch.
So, off to lunch the sucker goes. Thankfully, they were pretty much
finished when I got there (I took my sweet time). I made sure not to
order anything, not even a drink. Making sure there was no way they
could stick me with the check.
Afterwards we walked to Maki.
On the way in I spotted Miray, Nazli, and a few of their friends, including
the hot brunette with the blue eyes.
I walked over to talk to them for a while, and they asked me what I
was up to.
"Just being a stupid man," I told them. They knew the whole
story and warned me to be careful.
I went back to sit with Idil for a while and then I spotted Mirac with
her sister (also named Miray, who will from now on be known as Miray2)
sitting on the top deck.
I excused myself and headed up there to get something to eat.
My basic plan was simple; don't eat or drink anything with Idil. This
way she can't stick me with the check. There's no way she'd have the
balls to order something on her own and charge it to me, but if I'm
ordering something for myself anyway...
After lunch I sat back with Idil and Nurhan, and we talked for a bit.

I could
tell how tiring it was going to get not drinking anything near her,
so I decided to leave. Made my way back to Tiyatro, and relaxed on the
deck just watching that ass as it rolls on through. Damn, Turkish girls
are hot.

not 100% sure that I was working the zoom correctly, but I think I have
it now....

toes. When people saw this pic, they assumed I had a foot fetish, and
started telling me all about their own love for feet. Man, there are
some freaky people out there....
Ran into Miray, Nazli and the as yet un-named brunette. Sat and ate
with them (and still am). Did some magic tricks for them. I think my
new criteria on women that I'll like is that they have to like my magic
tricks. Idil wasn't impressed by them, neither was my last girlfriend.

munching away.

One of
the girls pulled this out thier bag. A Gucci case full of "feminine
hygene products".

looking tough in his new shirt.
The brunette speaks English really well, reportedly does have a boyfriend,
but definitely likes the old Spat magic.

did get her name....

we were sitting there, she bought some band-aids, and I asked her why.
She pointed to a cut on her foot, but when I went to look at it, she
hid her foot and said that she had ugly feet. So I took this when she
wasn't paying attention. Another gift for the foot fetish people out
there. I personally think they're pretty nice...
Monkey Cat!!
After my shower I headed back to Tiyatro for some dinner. Met Gunten's
sister, brother in law and niece. So I guess that makes them my aunt,
uncle and cousin.

a true friend that can pinch another man's fat.
The girls showed up at the bar, and Miray seemed even more upset than
usual. According to her, she's mad at her boyfriend, her friends, and
her mother, but doesn't want to talk about it.
So we were supposed to take her out to Ship Ahoy to cheer her up. Or
so I thought.
Kerem came up to me and asked me for a favor. Would I please escort
the girls to Ship Ahoy and make sure they're safe?
What? Escort five 20 something year old beautiful girls to a bar? Damn,
the things I'm willing to do for my friends. :)
Well, it turned out that Nazli and the blue eyed girl didn't want to
go, and were instead going to hang out at the dock and drink. Had I
known that in advance, I would have stayed in a heartbeat.
So instead, me, Miray, Mirac, and Miray2 all headed over to Ship Ahoy.
As soon as we got seats, Miray ran off to go find her boyfriend.
Then Mirac filled me in on the story.
It seems that Miray is upset with her boyfriend, and so is going to
go pester and tease him. But since he's at the club with 4 of his friends,
I'm there acting as a bodyguard. Great.


and Miray. I wonder if they planned the whole "back to back"
Well, Miray came back a little while later, looking all smiley and happy.
I guess she teased him enough and is now happy with herself.
Then she ran off again to talk to some famous Turkish singer that was
drinking in the club.
Mirac told me that if she manages to get this singer to sit with us
and Kerem finds out, he'll beat up the singer, then me, then Miray,
then Mirac, then the other Miray (or Miray2). Apparently this guy has
a bad reputation.
Since I don't need this kind of crap in my life, I paid the check and
told the girls we were heading back to Tiyatro.
Seemed like the safest plan, for me at least. And yes, these girls put
up a fight when I went to pay.
We headed back to Tiyatro, and re-grouped.

and Michal. I can swear she's Boob Grabbing me!

I had promised Idil that I would give her a call tonight to see if we
would get together and hang out. I told her to call me, but you know,
phone issues.
When I called her, she was asleep. So I promised to call her tomorrow
and make plans then.
We then headed back to Bee bar so I could suffer through more Techno.
listen to Techno!"
The only
saving grace of Bee bar is this ultra hot hostess that I really enjoy
watching wander around the place.

that is some zoom, huh?

relaxing in the wee hours of the morning.
wanted to make absolutley sure that the zoom was working.

every table, a sleeping dog. Actually, this first dog followed me around
most of the time I was there. Whenever I would sit down, he would sit
next to me. He was the coolest dog in Turkbuku! If for no other reason
than that he liked me.
Back into
Askin, Aydin and I headed into bodrum this afternoon. They wanted to
get haircuts, and I wanted to check my e-mail.
While wandering the street, we bumped into Nazli, Miray and the blue-eyed
girl. Then it was back to Tiyatro.

don't know why, but I thought this was like the coolest picture I'd
taken. Am I freaky, or what?
video of the Drive Home (3 megs).
The scary part is, this is a two way road, and busses travel down it.
How scary is that?


Back home for a shower, then off to Tiyatro again.
I called Idil, but she was home with a sore neck. I offered to come
over with some wine and baby oil, and give her a naked full body massage,
but she declined. Her loss.
She suggested that we meet tomorrow at some other beach club and hang
out. Should I? Haven't decided yet.
I wasn't really feeling it tonight so I left early and headed home.