- 8/6/02
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Went into Bodrum to do some shopping. Bought 10 computer games for 30
bucks. I just hope they work. Gotta love Turkey.


Me, Ahmet
(the bar's manager), and Gunten.

who's back?? That's right, the evil Lady Di!! I hate that dog!

My dad
has a new little pond by the restaurant that has fish in it. And if
you want to eat one, just point one out to the waiter, they snatch him
up, and he's yours. Looks like they're sleeping now.

The bartenders
getting ready for the night. Aydin wearing his new Spiderman shirt that
I got him in New York. But what are those little stains all over it?
What have you been doing in your off time, Aydin?
Went to Bee bar that night with Kerem and his friends.
Bee is a Techno nightclub right on the water that is basically an after
hours place. Really nice outdoors club, with a dock, but the music all
sounds the same to me. If they just played the same song all night long
on a loop, I don't think anyone would notice. What freaked me out was
that when a new song started, people in the club would cheer like this
was their most favorite song ever. But to me, it sounded exactly like
the last one! I guess I'm not a Techno fan.
Me relaxing.
And Kerem with Mirac looking a little drunk.
Then the jazz band from the bar arrived.

we went out for soup at 5 am.

looking all cool on his bike.

him, mace him!!" I don't know why Yahya keeps this right there
in his car. He scares me sometimes.
That was
some damned good soup!

here's the view from my balcony as the sun rose that morning.
band (apparently very famous) checked into the hotel today, and they
needed my room, so I got bumped. I moved to the house where Kerem is
living. It's nice, but I hate the idea of having to walk to the bar
and restaurant every day and night. 5 minutes is a long time, and the
hill leading up to the house kills me. I need to stop for a smoke break
about half way up it. It's much more convenient when you live 15 feet
from the Bar. :)
Went to Havana with Miray and her friends today. When I arrived, they
had already locked the gate, but Miray told the bouncer that I was her
Uncle from New York, so he let me in. After we got in, Miray started
laughing and looking over her shoulder. I asked her what happened, and
she said that 2 seconds after we walked in, her ex boyfriend arrived
with Miray's former best friend (now his new girlfriend). They tried
to get in, but were turned away. I asked if he saw us go in together,
and she smiled and said, "yes". Gotta love the little games
people play.
Damn, there are some hotties here. Falling big time for this brunette
with blue eyes. She looks like a young Lynda Carter. I want to dress
her up as Wonder Woman and do evil things to her. Helped one of her
friends with an English paper. I hope she passes, or I'll look pretty
We stayed there pretty much all day, and then into the night.
That night I took the boat with Kerem, Mirac (his girlfriend), and Miray
to the Bee bar. First time ever taking a boat TO a nightclub.

in the boat.
Me and
Kerem at Bee.

Me all
happy, Kerem's friend waiting for a bus.

and Mirac.
And here
are some of the ladies wandering the club.
Rode back
in the rain, yes, rain. The first time it's rained in Bodrum in like
10 years. And man did it come down.
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you have any questions, E-Mail me.
