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Allison, the green Fairy!

Sexy cop.

Chewbacca attacks the Fire Truck!

Raggedy Ann

The Cutting Room! Normally, this is our stop after the parade, but this year, it was under new ownership, and they now wanted us to pay a $10 cover. So we decided to save our money and head someplace else.

The World's Biggest Giant's fan and a Referee.

Keith, Robo, and a Cave woman, I think.

Me and Keith!

Tony and Keith!

Keith and his wife, Yvette. She swore this this would be her first and last time in costume!

Chewie takes a break.

Giants fan, a giant Chewie, and a ref.
So, after wandering around for a while, we headed to a place called Rogue.

Nibbler! There was an awesome group of Futurama costumes there that night!

Spat spilled his drink! NOOOO!!!!

Kissy kisses from Nat!

Drew and Nat!

Mini Trooper Bobble Head!

I have no idea what that is.

I guessed Maralyn Monroe, but was told it was actually Anna Nicole Smith. My bad.
We left Rogue and headed to a place called Rebel, because it was supposed to have a huge costume contest. After waiting on line for a bit, we were let in the VIP door and had to pay $15 to get in. So why did we not stay at The Cutting Room?

Tracy and me.

Me and Nefertitty, maybe?

The bar.
While there we also bumped into Countess Bathory again! When I wandered over to the costume contest and tried to get on stage, I was told by the guy up there that, "No store bought costumes were allowed in the contest." Find me a store that sells this costume! Of course, Frank, in his store bought Chewbacca costume made it on stage and won second place. :(
So, the lesson? Never go to Rebel!

Sad face for the end of Halloween.

And the drive home..
I had to get home, somehow get my shoulders, back and legs unsore fast, because the very next day I was to be heading to London for Sci-Fi Weekend!
Big thanks to Tony and Drew for helping me out all weekend getting dressed and moving around, as well as taking pics.
Hope to see you all next year!
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