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Halloween! Ahh, my most favorite time of year! Something that many people work towards all year long. And then it's finally here! This year, Halloween was on a Wednesday, so we started our partying the Friday before.
Big thanks to Tony and Drew for taking pics all weekend. The pics you see on the next six pages are from Drew, Tony and I.
For days before Halloween, we searched the internet looking for clubs and bars to go to that were going to have Halloween events. Especially, we were looking for places that were going to be having costume contests, because we like money. :)
Our first stop was a club in Hoboken (that's right, we trekked to New Jersey!) called Lounge 11.

RoboSpat with SpartanNat.

Drew in his new OCP Police Uniform.

Drinky drinky.

Tony in his Colonial Marine armor.


Nat and Drew.

Thar be Pirates!

Jersey Girls. Most of these women are not actually in costume. They dress like this all the time.

The club was pretty well packed that night, and the owners LOVED the Robocop suit. I actually got comped admission. :)

RoboSpat on patrol. It was a bit of an adjustment getting back into that costume again, after a year. It is a very heavy suit, and takes a lot out of you after wearing it a while.

Chicks at the bar! Looks like Fin on the right, doesn't it?

Uh oh, competition...



Cintia, all Zombied out.

Drew, Tony, Cintia and me.

Spat finds a Zombie!

More Jersey Girls in trashy costumes. Gotta love it!

Drew decides to pack some heavy firepower.

Hot chick at bar.


Nat! Notice that she is striking the exact same pose she had the whole weekend at DragonCon this year when she was wearing the same costume.

The Jon showed up in his Trooper armor. I started to worry about winning the costume contest.

And when Frank showed up as Chewbacca, I was sure I would lose.

Sexy Racetrack track girl. Or something.


Robo and Chewie!

Nat and Jon.

Bee girl!

Me and the Amazon women. Damn.

Me with Fook Yu and Fook Mi.

Robo with the Bee girl.

Drew finds a Corrections Officer. A sexy corrections officer!
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