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Finally, Halloween night! Time to head out to the Village Parade, but first, Tony wanted to do some make-up on Liz.

Here's Liz, all zombied out by Tony.

At the parade trying to find our spot with the Kostume Kult float.

Me and Tracy in her Pirate Wench outfit.

Drummers! These guys were right behind us, and we were constantly ending up in the middle of their ranks by accident if we walked to slowly.

Here's me with the NYPD's Chief of Patrol. Robocop will be replacing him!



Predator vs Robocop! And Robo kicks Pred's ass!! Nice hands, Pred!
The spectators!

Freaky costume folk in the parade!

More float people!

Me and the Bee!

Robo gives respect to NY's Bravest.

Death and his baby. Or something.

Small wood and metal barricades keep the crowds at bay.

Asian Lions, maybe?

Chicks can't keep their hands off me!

Drew bumps into one of his cop buddies.

More Parade goers. Damn, this is a long parade!

Why is everyone looking up? I'm right here on the ground!

Frank as Chewie!
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