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Webster Hall was having a big costume party that night, and was having a big contest with a $5,000 prize for the best costume. Knowing there would be a huge line to get in, Tony and I booked VIP tickets for the party. That means no waiting in line, and an open bar all night. That's what we were promised. When we got there, there were 2 lines to get in and they both were HUGE. So we were very happy that we had VIP tickets. One line was for for people buying tickets, and the other was for people who had tickets. We assumed we could bypass the line, but we were quite mistaken. So after about 40 minutes on line to get into the club where we had tickets that would get us past the line, we were finally in!
When we went to get a drink, we discovered that the VIP section (where the open bar is) was on the 3rd floor. That's up 3 flights of stairs that are BARELY wide enough for 2 people, let alone one Robocop who has to go up stairs sideways and very, very slowly. So we were pretty screwed.

Angel and sexy Pirate girl that we met outside the club.

A gaggle of naughty girl costumes.

The crowd.
We were told that the costume contest was starting soon, so we made our way to the second floor main ballroom and waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
A DJ from Z100 (a NY radio station) would pop on the mic every so often to give some shout outs. One of them to RoboCop. Yeah.
Then some guy came out and sang a couple of songs.
And then came some performance art with fire.
Sky and Vlad came out to do some fire work. I've seen these guys around at various cons.

The Sacrificing the Virgin ritual.

Then came a gun fashion show. This when on for almost forever.
What's sad is, all the people in costumes sat by the side of the stage for 2 hours waiting because they kept saying that the contest was going to start "soon". So none of us could drink. Sad for me. :(

And then at about 3am, it was time for the costume contest to start! It was Emceed by this hilarious guy (whose name I never caught), and judged by 5 Penthouse Pets. You just can't beat that!

Not sure if Poison Ivy is getting naughty, or if this is a different costume.

Blue girl.
There were about 20 people ahead of me on line to get on the stage when one of the bouncers started moving people to the sides and waved me up. Apparently, he was a big fan, so I got pushed farther ahead in the line.

ROBOCOP!! To me (with the resonance in the helmet), it sounded like I got the most applause out of anyone.

A.W.E.S.O.M.E.O. 5000!! No one got it.

The Emcee made the announcement of "No more Naughty something costumes". Since it was a contest for $5,000 they didn't want to be bothered with costumes that were not worthy. Yet there was still over 100 people brought up on stage. We were there FOREVER!!

The Star Wars crew. With TK BK. Who lost them the shot at the prize because the Emcee didn't like Ruby's Pumas. BUSTED!

Wanna Fanta?

The leaf girl again. Still not sure what she was. But she made the top 3.

Blue girl again.

And here's the last two possible winners - Donkey Kong (an awesome suit that was HUGE), and Mardi Gras guy (which was nice, but not $5,000 nice).
Anyway, ultimately, Donkey Kong won. I know, I know. I was sad too. And when the contest ended, Tony and I walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. And as the drink was handed to me, they announced last call. That's right, we missed the whole night!

Well, at the end of almost a week living in this costume, I was very happy to take it off and hang it up! But it did survive a lot of abuse. A lot.
Now to think of a costume for next year!
BIG thanks to Tony for helping me out all week, getting me drinks, helping me into and out of the costume, taking pictures, and putting up with my abuse!
Hope you all enjoyed the pics! See you next year!
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