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This is it, folks, Halloween night! I'm poised to march in the Robocop suit for over 25 blocks. If it can survive the parade, it can survive anything. In theory.

First we met up with the other members of the Empire City Garrison for dinner. We're all members of a Star Wars costuming group, and we march in the parade pretty much every year.

Here's the float we were attached to, it was run by the Kostume Kult. And these guys know how to party!

Our Star Wars Costume folk.

Chicks on the float.

Yeehaw, cowgirl!

Crowd Shots.

Me with some of New York's Finest.

Some Cops grabbed me and brought me over to their Captain because they needed some back-up. Turned out the parade watchers were pushing on the barricades and moving them forward. So the Captain gave me the megaphone. "This is Robocop. Step back from the barricades or there will be.... Trouble." Needless to say, the crowd went NUTS after that. They absolutely loved it.

Some walking shots.

Some more crowd shots.

A nice butt.

Gene Simmons rocking it out on the Kiss float!

That's the biggest, freaking Jawa I've ever seen!

Bumped into Andrew in his Awesome Predator costume.

Yummy bunnies. Love the bunnies.
I did learn a few things during the parade - The Japanese LOVE Robocop!! - There are 6 people in NYC who think I was dressed as The Terminator. - Aside from those 6 people, EVERYONE else knew who Robocop was.
After the parade, as part of our tradition, we headed to the Cutting Room for a drink and to make plans for the next bar to stop off in.

Some more pics of chicks in the bar.

Finally got the helmet off and can see! Woo Hoo!!

Mmm... Slave Leia!
Don't worry, the night is not over yet!
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