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Drew and Laura, the revenge!

Faith, bleeding all over the place.

Reggie tastes the locals.

Drew trying to negotiate something naughty.


Drew gets hairy!

No one wants to see that.

Con Rule #6 rears its ugly head again. Never leave your camera unattended. This is one of the "viewable" pics that were taken up Chris' Kilt. The other pics showed brain.
Rico makes a new, zombie or maybe vampire friend.

Looking good. Yeah, you know you like it.


And Nelson's friends!

This is what happens when you fall asleep at the bar. I like the disappearing guy in the background!

Drace! That's Drew+Grace in a combo in case you didn't get it.

Specialist First Class Zorikh! That's right, I demoted him. Who's gonna stop me? You? Whatever.

And this is where almost every Chiller night seems to end for me.

Zombie Vampire girl is attacking me!

Chris is telling me to stop taking pics, apparently.

Shhh, just look.

Is she boob grabbing him? That's so wrong!

I have no idea who these people are.

Of course, Joaquim finds a way to get a pic with Brian O'Halloran from Clerks!

And here he is with Marilyn Ghigliotti, also from Clerks.

And with Joel Weiss from the Warriors!

Drew at the Big Apple table. That's right, this is an actual picture from the convention. Don't be scared.

Wow, with these glasses on I can finally see the world in all THREE dimensions! Wow.

Rusk nursing his hangover.

Joaquim, who kept asking me if he had a hangover. Last night he drank a whole shot of Tequila!

And finally, me and Stephen Baldwin! He had a lot of gear for The Usual Suspects, but every time I looked at him, all I kept thinking was, "Viva, Los Bio Dome!"
Well, that's the end of the weekend. Big thanks to Big Apple Comic Con for putting us up for the weekend. The next show is June 7-8, and hope to see you there!
Also, thanks to My Little Pony, Sgt. Batwing, and Cpl. Bathroom Lovin' (he got promoted). And thanks to Jr. Cadet Zorikh, and Drunky Joaquim for amusing us all weekend.
See you at the next show!
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