Shore Leave 25
7/11/03 - 7/13/03
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Help me.
I broke apart my insides.
Help me.
I've got no soul to sell.
Help me.
The only thing that works for me.
Help me get away from myself.
-Nine Inch Nails
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Well, once again, it's time for Shore Leave in Maryland! Eric, Heather and I hopped in the car and headed down to a very interesting weekend. Since this was Heather's first Convention, and she really had no idea what to expect, I was kind of sure she'd be really freaked out and bored. Little did any of us know, she would fit right in with the other freaks and mutants!
Now, the film crew of "Trekkies 2" was down there filming, and I really wanted to see about getting interviewed for it. I decided to ensure my place on camera with a freaky new costume, but after the last Shore Leave dressed as Spadme Gimmeadolla, and DragonCon with my Slave Spat costume, Albin (Commander of the 501st Storm Trooper Legion) made me promise not to wear any more female Star Wars Character Costumes. But I had no deal with the Trek fans!! NO DEAL!!
Cruising with the top down!
When we got to the Con, it was pretty hot out, so we all decided to hit the pool. Of course, once in the pool, the games started! A big old Chicken Fight!
I tried to get it to be Girls vs Guys, and mentioned that we'd be shirts and they could be skins, but no one wanted to take me up on that offer!

And to the winners go the spoils of war... and pool water up the nose.

Dion and Tanya showed up with a big Afro wig, which I had to try on... Notice my war wounds from the Chicken Fight. Damn Eric likes to scratch!

"Oh, Pool Boy!"

Rich really needs some sun!
I'm licking your flower....

Dicky, whom I haven't seen in years showed up, reminding me why I've avoided him for so long!
Friday night the cast and crew of Revelations held their official wrap party. So we all sat around and watched the Trailer (again), the behind the scenes documentary, and some out takes from the film! Sadly, there were quite a few of me!

"You talk too much"

Yet another reason never to give Eric a camera.

Tanya ensuring she gets onto one more time...

Of course, Dion is a little more shy.
The Revelations crew handed out raffle tickets for everyone involved, and we all looked forward to what kind of freaky door prizes would be given away.

Mmm.... Crofty....

Jeff acting casual.

And Rich showing off his new Farscape costume (vest thanks to Jennie).
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.