
"Emperor Palpatine " Appliance


These are items made for an upcoming film titled "Star Wars: Revelations"

Panic Struck Productions asked me to put together an Emperor Palpatine mask for their film. Of course, since they couldn't get an actor up to me for us to mold, we decided to mold this one on my face! I felt that "Revelations" needed more "Spat".

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We started off by making a mold of my head.

First comes the bald cap.

It's glued in place on my head.

Eric looking very happy about the fun he's about to have...

Eric likes to use straws up the nose, I find them to be a huge waste of time, but since he was running this show, it was his call.

Eric mixing up the Alginate.

And here it comes. Globs of Alginate all over my face!

Notice the straws didn't last very long! Once the Alginate is cured, it's time to cover the whole thing in Plaster Bandages to reinforce the structure.

Eric wrapping my head in plaster bandages as John watches. John is the newest addition to the SpatCave team! Things have been so busy lately, had to bring in a new guy. What a first day, huh?

Now we wait for the plaster bandages to dry.

"I look silly don't I"

Nice to see the things that go on while I can't see or talk.

Me checking to see how cured it is.

Eric and John having way too much fun!

And now we pull off the Alginate and Bandages.

It lives!

And there's the negative of my face.

All finished!

And now it's time to get out of these super reinforced plastic bags!


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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.