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And finally, here it is! The raw pull! (Photo courtesy of Louis Zegel)

John and I checked it out and were confident that we would be able to clean it up a bit in time for the Sunday Charity Auction, where it would be sold to the highest bidder!


Back at the Convention, Heather was quite fascinated by the miniature gaming tables!



We headed back to the hotel, showered up really quick, then headed down to the Masquerade. I was once again invited to be a judge!

Bloody guy.

Who ya gonna call!?!

I know these are kind of dark, but the lights were kept very low for some reason!

Don't know what this was, but the dance routine convinced Vaughn to vote for her.

More costumed participants.

Some more masquerade shots.

And here are the judges huddling. The other judges were Vaughn, Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari from Babylon 5), Bill Blair (Star Trek), and his wife Toni Blair (Star Trek). I must say, it was quite a shock to see Bill and Toni arrive at the masquerade in costume! They were both in Star Fleet uniforms!

Jack Sparrow!





After the Masquerade we bumped into the last surving member! Let me know if anyone gets that joke.

And then we headed to a room party, and then out to another bar for a few drinks.


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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com