Review – Your Highness

Posted by Spat on April 5, 2011 in Movies, Rant, Reviews |

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I assumed it would ultimately degrade into a 2 hour long, non-stop ramble of dick and fart jokes with a deep underscore of “Legalize It!”

Well, I saw a preview screening tonight and I can honestly say….

I was right.

I can sum this movie up in two words.


I know it’s one word, just say it really loud. Twice.
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How To – Blow Someone’s Brains Out

Posted by Spat on April 4, 2011 in FX, Tutorials |

A few years back I was interviewed by Indy Mogul’s Hollywood FX show.  If you haven’t seen it, here it is.  If you just want to see the brain splat, fast forward to 4:17:


To this day I still get e-mails from people asking for more detail on the rig I made to blow Erik’s brains out.

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5 Games to Keep for the PS3

Posted by Spat on April 3, 2011 in Reviews, Video Games |

As much fun as it is to burn through a new game and then return it and pick up a new one, there are a few games that are worth holding on to.

Some, because they have re-playability that is unrivaled. Others keep getting updates and are refreshed often enough to stay in your library for a long time.

In no particular order…

Rock Band 3

Rock Band 3

Rock Band 3


It came out right at the end of the home music fad, and assuming that you already had Rock Band 1 and 2 (or any of the other expansions) and a set of instruments, this game tops the list.  It’s a lot easier to play with a group of friends, has a HUGE library of songs (both included and downloadable), and even has access to some cool new instruments!  With the addition of the Keyboard and the stringed guitar, this is the elite game to have, but if you never got past buying Rock Band 1 or 2, you’re still good to go.  Just having any one game of the series with instruments means you’re ready just in case a group of friend’s stop by and want to ROCK!

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The Best Cooking Show You’re Not Watching

Posted by Spat on April 2, 2011 in Rant, Reviews, TV |

While skimming through the channels a few months ago, I spotted a brand new cooking channel, called… “The Cooking Channel”.

It’s like the ghetto little brother of The Food Network and has indie chefs that no one has ever heard of, and freakier shows that I guess aren’t ready for the big daddy network.

There are actually a few gem shows on there that are worthy of checking out (Extra Virgin and Food Jammers immediately come to mind), but the real star of the Cooking Channel is by far Nadia G. and her show – Bitchin’ Kitchen.


Bitchin’ Kitchen started life as a web series and grew into a really interesting show that’s worth a look.

Nadia G. (the host) is like a Canadian version of Fran Drescher (sans the Long Island Drawl), and her kitchen is stocked with all sorts of Rock-a-billy utensils and animal print aprons.

She’s helped out by her Greek Fish Monger, Panos, her Spice Agent (who’s name is nigh unpronounceable), and her topless food correspondent, Hans.

It’s a fun, irreverent look at cooking that never once takes itself too seriously, and is worth checking out!

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Why I Hate Spirit Gum…

Posted by Spat on April 1, 2011 in Cosplay, FX, Rant, Tutorials |

A rant by Spat.

I got a call today from my buddy Matt.  And while he and I were griping about some guy, Matt chimed in and told me that the guy also uses Spirit Gum to glue on his prosthetics.

Of course, the guy doesn’t, but Matt knows that Spirit Gum pushes my buttons!



And I can’t understand why anyone still uses it.

Spirit Gum

Spirit Gum

For those that don’t know, Spirit Gum is widely used as an adhesive for prosthetic make-up.  It all started back like 70 years ago when there was nothing else to use but Spirit Gum, and so people would use it for films as a make-up adhesive.  But only because there was nothing better out there.

Spirit Gum is actually a resin that’s made from pine tar.  When it dries, it dries hard, and is tough to get off.

The problem is that most appliances (as well as your face) are flexible.  So having a hard glue stuck to either of them, doesn’t work.

Once the days of the latex appliance dawned, Spirit Gum should have gone the way of the Dodo and bowed out of the way to let proper adhesives take center stage. But for some reason it’s stuck on… stuck like Spirit Gum as it were.

While anyone in the business knows not to use it, for some reason Spirit Gum has found its way into the collective consciousness of the world as being “THE” adhesive used for make-up.  People assume it’s still in wide use and that anyone doing FX Make-Up uses it daily.  And every year I see bottles upon bottles of it on the shelves at Halloween stores and even packaged with the store bought appliances.

If you take nothing else away from this blog, remember that you should always glue appliances to your face with an adhesive made from the same material that you’re gluing.  So if you’re using a latex appliance, use a latex based glue (or even plain liquid latex) like Pros-Aide or Duo.  Silicone Appliance?  Use a Silicone based adhesive like MA-200 or Skin-Tite.

Always check to make sure you’re not allergic before gluing anything to your face, and throw the Spirit Gum out!!

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I Met My Nemesis Tonight…

Posted by Spat on March 31, 2011 in Gadgets, Rant |

And it lives at The Peter Pan Arcade in Bay Terrace, NY.


Barber Cut

Barber Cut Lite


BarBer Cut Lite by Namco.

It seems like a simple enough game.  Much like the old school crane games, you move a “scissor” left, then forward and try to line it up with the string holding up the prizes.  Cut the string, win the prize!

Seems simple enough, right?


Of course, the machine at Peter Pan is holding a Sony camera, PS3, iPhone, iPad and a Coach bag.  I WANT that iPad!!

So close...

BarBer Cut Close!


It’s so deceivingly evil!  You’re always just a little off.

So, $15 later, I gave up for the night, vowing to go back and win that iPad.

So if anyone has any advice, tips, cheat codes (or iPads that they want to give me so I can give up on this quest), let me know!

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Belle Hates Stormtroopers!

Posted by Spat on March 30, 2011 in Rant |

I have no idea why, but for some reason my dog HATES Stormtroopers!

The most painful part is watching her bite down on it’s crotch and start shaking it! Yeowch!!

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5 Cool Items That Will Not Be Used As Intended…

Posted by Spat on March 29, 2011 in Cosplay, Gadgets, Rant, Reviews, Toys |

Here’s 5 wacky gadgets that I’m sure are being used in ways that are completely against the included instructions!

SpyCam Video Camera Glasses – Think Geek

Spy Glasses

SpyCam Glasses

Obviously, these are meant to be some kind of James Bond, super spy thing, but most people are going to use them in strip clubs.  Admit it.




Keyring Alcohol Breath Tester – Amazon

Keyring Breathalizer

Keychain Alcohol Breath Tester

Meant to keep you from driving while drunk, but is really going to be used in bars as a contest to see who can make it scream the loudest.






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Upcoming TV Shows I’m Looking Forward To

Posted by Spat on March 28, 2011 in Rant, TV |

Well, the TV season is starting to wrap up, and then comes the mid season fill in shows!  Woo Hoo!!

Here are some upcoming shows I will be checking out!


Terra Nova – Fox

Terra Nova

Terra Nova

A family from the future goes back in time.  Way back.  Like Jurassic Park back.  And it stars… that Drill Sergeant guy from Avatar.

Will it be any good?  Who knows.  Even if it is, Fox will cancel it before the season is up!


The Paul Reiser Show – NBC

Paul Reiser

The Paul Reiser Show


Paul Reiser has a new show and plays… Paul Reiser.  What’s it about?  Who knows.  But it’s Paul Reiser!  You kind of have to watch.



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Convention Drama…

Posted by Spat on March 27, 2011 in Conventions, Rant |

With Con Season under way, the first bit of juicy con gossip has already hit the fan!

Bleeding Cool reports that Artist Alley regular, Rob Granito is not all that he seems.

Rob Granito

Rob Granito


Rob, who has been attending conventions as a guest artist since at least 2006 has now had his credits list questioned.  It seems that all the comics and companies that he claims to have worked for have never actually heard of him!  Not only that, but it seems that most of his artwork is copies of other artist’s work, with some extra paint slapped on it.

I remember Rob from a few conventions I attended back in the ‘Aughts (is that officially what we’re calling the years of 2000-2009?), and never thought anything of his claims.  I mean, who would lie about this kind of stuff?

I’m really curious to see what this does to the world of conventions and Artist Alley in particular.  The shake-up could knock loose other grifters in the midst, and make cons really go in and check more thoroughly for references of their artists.

And the other issue is that some of the publishers and artists may start seeking damages.

This is definitely a story to watch, and between Bleeding Cool, Facebook, and all the other blogs out there, there’s plenty of fuel for the fire!


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