SheVaCon? Yeah, I had never heard of it either when they first contacted me during the summer about being a guest at their show. What is SheVaCon? It's the Shenandoah Valley Convention. It's a sci-fi, costuming and gaming convention that is actually in Roanoke, Virginia. They contacted me and asked me to be a guest at the convention, and then later asked if I wanted to be their Master of Ceremonies! Of course, being given a title with the word "Master" in it might go to someone else's head, I was sure that I could handle it with no problem.
So as the day was approaching for the convention, we were all closely watching a huge snow storm that was getting very close to hitting New York. We had originally planned to drive down to Virginia very early on Friday morning, but seeing that the storm was supposed to hit in the wee hours, we quickly packed up our gear, called the convention to see if they could give me a room for Thursday night as well, and jumped in the Spat Mobile and trekked 8 hours south to Virginia! We arrived at the hotel at 4:30 am, slept for a few hours, and then it was time for SheVaCon!
My crew of miscreants this weekend include Cat, Pedro and Drew! And we were joined by members of the Ohio Garrison, and Garrison Tyranus of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion. So with that crowd in place, there was a good chance of this weekend turning into one crazy time!
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Spat with my badge! Note that I am the only one at the convention with the official title "Master".

Cat got the title of El Fuzzy.

Drew's new name is My Little Pony. Why? Why not?

And Miguel as Sgt. Slobber, but his badge was misspelled and he got Sgt. Slabber.

Our first stop after getting our badges sorted out was the bar! Woo hoo!
And then we headed back to the con, Mastered a Ceremony or two, hosted a panel on Trenches, and then headed back to the bar!

Savage got a candy necklace from Drew, and wore it around her thigh, and then Michele came by for a bite!

And then a kiss. What is up with chicks making out with each other at cons?

Michele's boobs.

And her Spat pin! Location, location, location.

Drew offering up his cherry to anyone who will take it!

Drew got promoted to be Savage's Little Bologna Pony. Ewww.

For some reason, the bar still had Mistletoe hanging up. And Drew put it to good use.

Awww, Savage loves Julio. How sweet.

Michele gets a little head from Drew.

Them are some boots.

And I thought SpBeer was uninviting!

I applied that!

The back of the Michele's helmet.

More girl on girl action.

"Don't you take that picture!"

Drew. Accept no substitutes.

Joe and Cat!

Spat! Woo!

Drew chatting with the ladies of SheVaCon, Stacey and Lynn.

Did I mention that I was MASTER of Ceremonies?

Oooh, glowy...

Drew and Stacey dancing up a storm.

That's called Truth in Advertising.

Yeah! Savage loves me!
After all my panels were done, Andrew (one of the directors of the con) came up and asked me if I wanted to play a game of "Kill Dr. Lucky"? Why not? Of course, I was expected to be Dr. Lucky, and all the other players were out to kill me. It was a live action board game (something I've never done before). Basically, they drew out the game board in tape on the floor, and we were the pieces. Each turn, I would move to a new room, and the players tried to move to the room with me, and if no one else was in the room, or could see into it, then they could try and kill me. It was a lot of fun, and I really wanted to play it again on Saturday night, but we ran long at the Charity Auction.

And this is him, the man that killed Dr. Lucky.

He wanted it bad. And I was not polite in the way I taunted and teased everyone, especially him, when he tried to kill me but failed. But he did finally get me, and won a trophy and some Spat Gone Wild DVD's (available in the SpatCave Store)!
After Dr. Lucky, I headed to the restaurant for the 501st's Friday night mixer!

They actually made a Stormtrooper helmet cake!

Garrison Tyranus made up SheVaCon glasses and gave them out to everyone! How awesome is that!?!?
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