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Heather and Rich.

Sarah and I dancing up a storm when all of a sudden.... Menage-a-Spat! Or a Spat sandwich. Your choice.

Brianna and Rich.
After last call, drummers started up, and I asked them to play some Turkish belly dance music, and then Heather was out there like lightning!

This pic needs a comment, but I can't think of any that aren't NC-17 in nature.

Brianna looking evil as she steals a cookie.

Obligatory ceiling shot.

Heather trying on Matt's Gay Bullfighter costume.

Heather and Matt.

Somehow Brianna talked Heather into giving her a foot massage.

Brianna and I stole this cone the night before. No idea where. Heather forged Shane's name on it, and I signed it as well. As you can see, drunk off my ass, I can't write!

Once we were all awake and packed up, it was time for breakfast!

Heather and Brianna loving the fact that it was like 70 something degrees down there.


Sam and Matt.

Still waiting for breakfast.

Eric's hairy cleavage.

They booted me from the table because I licked my finger and stuck it in everyone's coffee.

So angellic.

Matt taking a pic of my car.

And here it is! The new Spatmobile!

Brianna's feet were... well, less than pleasant after 5 hours packed in the car. Poor Rich.

And lastly, Eric and Sam.
Well, that's it! Be sure to check out Revelations!
The movie is awesome! Especially the parts with me in them. But the other parts are pretty good, too!
And a big thanks to Dawn and Shane for actually pulling off an amazing night!
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