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Eric and I. Only 2 angles this time. Eric actually got his Revelations movie poster signed by like 30+ people who were in the film!

Tim and I.

Heather and Eric.

Heather and Brianna. To me it looks like Brianna is trying to untie Heather's dress.

My shoes. That's right, I wore patent leather sneakers. Had to do Something freaky.

Jenny posing.


Natalie and Rich.

Rich and Heather.

Look at this guy thinking he's all cool.

Dion and Brianna.

Heather. Looks to me like she's in the men's room.

The crowd!

Mike, me and Sarah. Again, there were so many cameras going off at the same time, we had no idea where to look.

Sarah and I.

Sarah claimed she was 5'10" tall, and called me short. I used to be 6' tall. We popped off our shoes and got a pic. So in this picture, one of three things has happened:
Either 1) I've shrunk to 5'9" somehow, 2) she lied and is actually 6'1" but doesn't want to admit it, or, 3) she's on her tippy toes. You decide.

Zafe looking mean or something.
Dawn and Shane held a charity auction, and I ended up winning 2 bottles of wine from Skywalker Vineyards.

Rather than save it, I decided to crack it open and have some fun! Hell, in Revelations, I was credited as "Annoying Drunk". So all night long I signed people's posters and added my new title after my name. I also decided to reprise my role as the Annoying Drunk at this party!

Heather and Zippy.

Zafe and I. For those who don't know, Zafe also did the CGI work on Jedi House! (Had to plug Jedi House somewhere on this page)
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