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Since we were working the Big Apple Booth all weekend, we tried to get pics of all the costumed attendees in front of the Big Apple sign. Usually Zorikh took them with his camera, but when he was busy, Joaquim took them using Guillermo's camera. You'll notice in the pics below that the cooler the costume in the pic, the more blurry the pic is. And if the pic is of a hot chick, it's almost un viewable! Thanks, Joaquim!

Cobra and an Orange Haired Cowgirl!

Black Cat! I think I saw 4 or 5 of them there this weekend.

Emperor Palpatine's Accountant and Two Face!

Joaquim and a Monkey! Can you guess which is which?

Blurry Anime girls!

I have no idea,

Wow. I think it's awesome that even Sith get a casual day where they can wear Jeans to work.

The Joker and his two Henchman.

Chick in white!

A Mexican Wrestler, a Japanese Game show Host, and a chick with exposed hips. (Blurry)

Sword fighting school girls. And school boy.


White haired Goth Chick.

Girl in bad need of a makeover.

.... So many things to write. So many bad things. So few good. Colossus. That's all I'll say.


French Maid and her Pimp.

Mini Batgirl and a giant Mouse, maybe.

Purple Haired Cat Ninja!

A Mooby's Employee on a break.

Guy in a silly hat! Who decides what counts as a costume?

Girl in a silly hat.

Kathy Griffin and Guy in a silly hat!

Chick in Knee Highs with her friend! (Blurry)

Slave Leia's. (Very Blurry)

Biker Scout!

Business Casual girls!

Inspector Gadget's Life Partner.

Two girls in very little clothes and a guy with a gun. (Very Blurry)

Greeks! Someone should tell those guys that their "V" is upside down.

An Immortal in Jeans and a Hoodie!

Ghostbuster vs Gambit!

A Jedi, a Slave Leia, and a Leeloo. (Super Blurry)

Rachel and Poison Ivy.


Strawberry Shortcake possibly.


Mystique! Armed with a Star Wars Droid Blaster for some reason.
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