New England Comic Con '10

10/14/10 - 10/18/10

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Tatiana trying to look cute!

Me and Kevin! Kevin was the guy who put the Drink 'N Draw together! Great job!

Our artists get frisky as the night goes on!

Eric adds to the board.

Kevin talking with Ale Garza.

More artists filling the sketchbook!


Anthony is totally checking out Lizz.

She never stops dancing!



Me and Eric.

Lizz and the Captain Morgan Promo guy!

Lizz gets a Spat Mustache Ride!

Lizz and Anthony!

Me and Eric. Again.

Our Bartender!

Lizz, about to Sai Eric in the throat!

Geoff invades the group on the other side of the bar!

Anthony all by himself. Sad face.

Me and Lizz!

Then Eric took the camera and went wandering!


Eric and the drunks. Actually, that's Doug in the middle. He was dressed as Rorschach.

Eric and Drunk Geoff.

Eric and a drunk girl at the bar.


Lizz and her turtle shell.

Me texting while Geoff is playing the "I'm not touching you" game.


Eric and s a drunk.

That is one happy drunk girl at the other end of the bar!

My phone!

Then we all headed back to the Hotel bar and met up with Froggy! Here we are discussing Politics of Quantum Physics or something super important.

Eric is still snapping pics of random bar people!

Random drunks.

Random drunk.

Eric and a very scared girl.


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If you have any questions, E-Mail me.