After the first night in New Orleans, the girls left early to get some rest. I left a little while later to change my shirt, and this is what I walked into... |
Glad I had my camera ready!
The next morning Calvin gave us is impression of a big baby. Either that or he was insulting whitey again. |
Ah, gotta love wathing guys in hand-cuffs get escorted to the pokey!
It was kind of strange seeing soldiers everywhere, but since they never once tried to shoot at me, I didn't mind at all. |
Anywho, these are the pics the girls took for the hunt. I wanted 7 breasts, and a pierced nipple, and this is what they gave me. Everyone knows that men don't have breasts!! We have "Man-Bosums"! |
Here the hunt required a Girl-Scout. Ok, I'd take them, but I don't know if they're worth points!
The next one I have no idea what that's supposed to be. |
Here we were looking for a British Automobile, and they took a pic with a Jaguar.
And lastly, they needed a pic of a naughty bumper sticker, and I got "Thank you for pot smoking." |
On our second night we decided to hold our annual scavenger hunt. We divided the teams to be "Guys" vs "Girls". I wanted to modify that to be "Shirts" vs "Skins", but they didn't bite. Well, actually they did bite... a lot. Of course when we started the scavenger hunt, the girls ran out to start hunting. Calvin and I looked at each other and decided that since the losing team has to buy the winning team a drink, it was in our best interest to just stay at the bar, drink, and just buy a round when they get back. Dan actually took Calvin's camera to go out and get some pics, meanwhile, we gave our list to the announcer at Bourbon Street Blues, and had him just call out the items and have the people in the bar just come up if they had them. Seemed easier. Needless to say, the girls won by default. |
Before leaving for Mardi Gras, Mikey asked me to make a Voodoo Doll of him, and take it with me, and let it nuzzle in strange women's breasts and all sorts of fun perverted things like that. But since most women wouldn't go near it, it fell to Tammy to give Mikey some lovin'. Then I took Voodoo Mikey with me to go out for a night drinking, finally arrived to meet everyone an hour or two later, had no memory of where I was or what I was doing, and in Voodoo Mikey's place in my belt pouch was a really nice pair of Victoria's Secret underwear. Burgundy thong, no less. So we're under the assumption that at some point I traded Voodoo Mikey for a pair of underwear. Seems like a fair trade even now. But if you happen to be the woman who has Voodoo Mikey, or if you've seen him, please snap a picture of him in some strange, freaky situation, and send it back over. Thank you. |
The Black Burritto strikes again!
That strange thing in pic 2 is a face print on the inside of the elevator. Someone must have been wearing face paint of some sort, and gotten bored waiting to get to his floor. |
Regina's obsessive neatness cumpultion takes hold as she makes the bed... again. This pic is taken right before Tammy messes it all up again!
And here are the three girls getting ready to go out and be bad!
The girls attacking the Hurricaine guy!! Apparently, they thought Calvin was in there! |
For some God-awful reason, the girls insisted on taking every picture twice. Once with Reg's camera, and once with Michele's. So we end up with a whole bunch of the same pics!! What a waste of film! Do you know how many more boob shots we could have had??? |
Chicks dig the big guns.
Street performers of some sort. |
Me perpetrating a boob grab on Dan!
The girls and the Mighty Miss! |
Walking the streets of Nawlins.
This shot was taken right after Drew walked up to Dan and asked, "Do you trust me not to inflict any permanent harm?" and then proceeded to pull out 3 of Dan's nose hairs!! |
Reg spent that whole night trying to sell Calvin. She walked him around, told everyone that he had a nice butt, good teeth, and didn't eat much. But no one out bid me ($1), so he's mine, all mine!! For the rest of the night he kept calling me the "White Devil". Actually, I think he called us all "White Devils". The he ran through the club yelling, "I am not Kunta Kintay!!" |
Reg and Michelle grinding this guy down! He had this really cool set of "Curious George" beads that they both wanted. They worked this guy mercilessly. Then Dan and Calvin both pulled the guy aside at seperate times, and without knowing what the other one was doing, and warned the guy not to give up the beads for anything!! Tee hee! |
Getting drunker and drunker... |
Drew goes for the butt grab, DENIED!! |
The girls showing off their skills.
All night long, the girls kept handing thier drinks and bags to Calvin to hold, until it finally got to the point where he actually had to start yelling, "I am not Benson!" |
Me going in for a taste. |
Me, Drew and Michele taking a group shot.
And me going in for the boob grab! |
Benson, I mean Calvin looking silly in this nice group shot of Dan and Tammy. |
And he made them work for it! And in the end, they didn't get them from him. Look what these 2 girls put this poor guy through? I can't even look at it anymore! |
Then Dan decided, "Hey, maybe I should tell Reg that I have a set of "George" beads in the room. Want them?"
Work for it!! |
"These are my Duckies! You can't have them!"
Looks like Dan told Tammy about the George beads as well. Did he forget to mention they were "George Foreman" beads? Oopsie. |
Drew trying to haggle for his Rubber Duckie beads. |
Smiling with the bar folk. |
The man with the beads.
Notice the bead guy teasing the girls with the beads he knows they want! |
Reg blocking my shot of the girls on stage!
Chewbacca!! This guy is 6' 9" tall, and he's from the New York area. He's my new Chewie! |
I was a naughty boy, so the girls decided to give me a spanking! I like being naughty! |
Our first (and probably only) group shot! I like how that guy just tried to jump in, and Tammy had to beer block him. Way to go Tammy! |
So I'm standing in Razoo and I light a girl's smoke. She hands me a pass to get into the Budweiser Private party as a thanks. Next thing I know, Calvin and I are there drinking free beer, eating free food, and doing shots of... well, something. The rest of the night got freaky from there. |
Here's Roxy, the Bud Balcony Bartender.
And a nice shot of the rest of the bar. |
Me trying to haggle our way in for the next night. |
Calvin and Roxy. |
I could probably come up with a hundred captions for this first pic, but they would all be wrong and evil, so I'll leave it up to the reader's imagination.
"Charlie Brown, cute red-headed girl looking for Charlie Brown!" |
Tammy getting her groove back!! |
Do we really need to see that?
Michele loves checking out the back seats of the patrol cars. Probably looking for Calvin. |
Later in the night I found Calvin again, and he had yellow panties on his head. Well, it's a good look for him.
Someone going for a Butt Grab! |
Calvin stumbling home pretty late and molesting the ladies along the way.
That night Calvin came home so drunk, Drew had to restrain him. Boy does he look like he's enjoying it. |
I don't really know what Michele is doing to Calvin here, but he probably deserved it. |
Calvin was so out of hand, the girls had to give him a spanking. Lucky Calvin. |
Drew trying to sleep through Calvin's rampage.
Calvin attacking the girls some more. |
Me giving up and getting out of the bed.
A shot of the top of someone's head. |
Dan, Drew and I gave up, grabbed our gear, and as soon as Reg and Michele's heads were turned, we were out the door and on our way to breakfast leaving the girls to deal with Calvin. |
Michele and Reg getting ready to escort Calvin to breakfast. Little did they know what it would be like. Crazy drunk guy out in public during the day! |
Here's where Calvin ran away from the girls and they had to chase him!
Reg looking for something to stuff in Calvin's mouth. |
The whole next day my right butt cheek was so sore and I couldn't figure out why. Later that day I went to lay on the bed and put my coffee on the nightstand, but the nightstand was practically in the closet. When I asked why, everyone just laughed. It turns out that I was pretty drunk this night, and was annoying everyone and wouldn't shut up. So the girls actually kicked me out of the bed and onto the floor. Of course, I ended up jammed between the bed and the nightstand, with my legs up in the air. A bottle of soda fell off the nightstand and spilled all over my head. Dan then walked over and poured some water on my head to stop me from whining. When I asked Reg and Michele if I could come back in the bed, they told me "no" because I would get the bed sticky with soda. Even drunk I was quick enough to point out that the water had washed the soda off, so I was now clean. They let me back into the bed, and I kept annoying them (with songs, jokes and dirty lymerics) so they kicked me out of the bed again. I was allowed back in, kept being annoying (I think I was trying to see how loud I could burp, and instead burped and farted at the same time, not a shining moment in my life, but I blame the Jack Daniels) and was kicked back out again. When I got back in this time, I kept quiet, but the evil women (or possibly Dan, we're not sure) kicked me out for a fourth time!! And tehy wonder why my butt was sore. They're just lucky I don't remember any of this. Might be due to hitting my head on the nightstand four times! |