What would Mardi Gras be without girls dancing on a stage? |
Now this first pic proves that even the ladies can have some fun at Mardi Gras. |
This is why you have to love Bourbon Street Blues Company. They do whatever it takes to get the girls up on stage, even in the middle of the afternoon. |
Yes, that is sunlight coming in through the window. These were taken at like 2 pm! |
I don't know why, but I kind of dug this girl. |
"Jose Cuervo you are a friend of mine!"
I don't really know what I was trying to do in this second pic. All I know is it was after my first Hurricaine! |
And here's Tammy after her first Hurricaine! |
Tammy and I at the bar.
And exploring the town while we wait for everyone else to arrive. |
Ok, now here's the fun stuff. Branding people I meet and claiming them as my property. |
It's almost freaky how accommodating drunk people can be. |
They let me put them all over! |
They called their friends over to have them branded.... |
Put them on their arms, breasts, butts, bellies... |
Some guy even let Tammy lick one on! |
This may take a while, I printed up a lot of tattoo's. But I figure it's best to stick all teh tat pics in one place. Looks cooler. :) |
Here a tat, there a tat, everywhere a Spat tat! |
This one above with Calvin is especially priceless. Not only for the look on his face, but because the day before I took this pic, I actually bought him from Regina for $1. I think I got ripped off. |
This first pic comes courtesy of Lori. She got branded, and used the tat to find the website and send over her pics. Thanks Lori!!
Mmm... branded shot girl... |
This girl in the second pic, she was so drunk she probably would have actually let me tattoo my name on her for real... |
Belly tats!! |
Boob tats!!
Whoops, don't pull it down too far! |
Belly and boob tats! |
A wrist tat.
And a Spat tat! |
Ok, now that the tat pics are over, we can get back to business... |
Calvin taking an over the shoulder glance at the girl in green. Will he bump into her later? Will something naughty ensue? We may never know.... |
The Bud girl of Utopia
Dan checking out the action. |
Partying at Utopia! |
Reg and Michele. How many pics do we have of these two girls together?
The combat MC of Bourbon Street Blues. |
Table dancer.
Calvin with the Captain!! |
This damned Bert kept blocking every photo I tried taking of girls on the stage!! Doesn't he look like Pauly Shore? Poor guy.
And in the second pic... Body Paint Girl! |
More and more of Body Paint Girl.
Let that flag fly!!! |
Go Body Paint, it's your birthday!! |
More girls wiggling and stripping for beads and T-Shirts. |
The deal was, if you were willing to come up and remove your shirt, they'd give you a new one. Or something like that. And I think it also involved shots. But then, what at Mardi Gras doesn't? |
The waiter added how much of a gratuity for himself!?!?! 22%!?! Did he really think we wouldn't notice? Yes he did. Bastard.
I don't know what Dan is trying to do to my butt here. |
Calvin trying to get his head between four boobs!! |
Hey, I'd been drinking since noon.
Regina and Michele hanging out. |
The crew enjoying some drinks. |
And passing Regina around. First from Dan...
Then to Calvin! |
What's up with that Boa?
The next night, gettting ready to go out! |
Taking a smoke break while the girls get ready. |
Still getting ready.
Almost again! You're going to see a lot of almost flashing girls on these pages. Sorry. |
Tammy and Reg.
When we looked at Calvin's pics we found a lot of shots of the street. At first we thought he was just kind of drunk, but it turns out that since he doesn't wear a watch, he would snap a pic because his camera has a time stamp when the photo was taken. So these pics are basically Calvin checking the time. |
Dan looking all dapper.
Michele and Regina, who also just arrived looking so nice and sober. Not for long.... |
Calvin and Tammy, one sober, one not so sober...
More girls on stage. Gotta love the BBC! |
I guess that counts as an assist? |
Branded! |
Here are the girls trying to debate if they should hop up on stage or not. Hmmm.... decisions, decisions.... |
The greatest moment for me was to see the girls that I had tattoo'd earlier getting up on stage and having everyone take their picture. Now every pic of them will have my logo in it! |
I'm a freaking advertising genius! |
Who are those girls up on stage trying to hide? Why it's Regina, Michelle and Tammy!! |
These girls love the spot-light! They love to Boogie!! |
Go dancing girls!
This girl loved to dance and get freaky! |
So when they called Bert and teh Cow guy up on stage, you knew something good was gonna happen.
Well, we weren't dissapointed, she sucked the udder!! It's udder madness! |
Tammy and Dan busting a move.
And this tee was just too perfect for Calvin, so I had to take a pic of it! |

Had to do it!! Had to get the upper and lower views! |
Calvin grinding on Reg.
Me and Michele. |
A group shot with all of us looking at the camera!!
And then we ruin it for the re-shoot! |
Bumping and grinding... |
This girl just wanted to show everything. |
She was not shy at all.
Regina, you naughty girl. |
This girl just loved the attention, and we all loved giving it to her. |
Hey, is that a Spat tat I see? |
"I see you baby, smacking that ass!"
Mmmm.... tube shots.... evil tube shots.... |
That's right folks, I lost my cherry to Tammy at Mardi Gras.
Then I offered the stem to Michele. I figured she wouldn't mind sloppy seconds, but instead, I got to talk to the hand. :( |
And me and Michele making up. How cute. |
Ya know, it's great to travel with friends. You can always be sure that when you fall asleep, they'll stick a boob in your mouth and take a picture! |