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Dancing Girls!

Trin gets a psychic reading.

My figure ex wife in her Leia costume with a CNC laser cut blaster!

Drew, Abhay, and Dana.

"This Shirley Temple is AWESOME!!"


Random bar girl!

Live long and SHOCKER!

Rebecca and Bern.

Drew and Spat!

Drew, Spat and my future ex wife!

Mines thicker.

Drew and Dana!

Marilyn Monroe!

Z geeks out with a saber.

Asian girls!


That bear is totally staring at her boobs.

Random wenches!

They're so heavily armed!

Yeah, I look good. I know.

Pumpkin Head!

Devil Girl!

Elvis and the Devil!

Let's see.... A Gypsy Vampire, a Hobo, and the Nurse from Kill Bill?

Vampire, BSG girl, and Viper Pilot.

And then we get interrupted by a Jedi!

Chris, Drew and Anthony!

Z (semi-sober) with Chris.

Me and Chris!

Why is he touching my woman?

Chris, Rebecca and Z. I think she's strangling them.

As the night moves on, things get a lot scarier. And with Chris looking on like the only one shocked, you know things are bad!

Drew and the Gypsy.

The girls.

It's "Sexual Molestation Bear"!

And a cheek full shot.


"Stop touching my nipples!"

Wow, Kirk has let himself go.

Trin with Z (Drunk).

I was very much in a "Devil Horns", Metal mood that night.
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