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Fire eater!! Scary... and a little bit of a turn on.

Me and Barf Vader! AKA Darth Pukey. AKA Roger.

Here kitty kitty...

Mmm... Bunny girl...

Some shots of me.

Some more shots of Eve in the Window.

Vader!! Not as scary these days after seeing Episode 3.

Since we had a lot of newbies in the crowd, we made them all do a round of "Irish Car Bombs"! An evil tradition.

A little more Fire Eater action.

Awww.. They make such a cute couple. Too bad he works for the Dark Side, and she's a Princess who likes to kiss her brother.

Colonial Stormtrooper!

Geek Love.
We left The Cutting Room and were about to wander downtown for some more fun when we found these girls...

The Angel was soooo scared of the Bug. The Devil kinda liked it!

Devil Girl. And I'm not too sure about the second pic.

Devil, Angel and Bunny. Not sure how they go together.
We hit a Mardi Gras party downtown.

Costume swappers.

Man, it's tough to unwrap those little candies!

Me and the girl in purple!
We got bored again, and wandered looking for another party.

Ass shot.

And ended up at a club in the Hotel Gansevoort!

The bug gets some love.

Slut. She'll pose with any Sci-Fi costume!

Then we found the French Maids. Gotta love the French Maids!

I wonder if the cleaning ladies on the Death Star looked like this?

So many evil comments....

Drew found himself some Commandos. At least I assume they were going Commando.

Some more pics of the French Maids. You know you wanted to see them.

Drew and Mary Alice swap gear. Why did no one want to wear my mask for the night?

Bunny.. Love the bunnies...
At the end of the night, it was time for everyone to go their separate ways.

Drew gets the Maids a Taxi.

And we all say goodnight.
Last stop - Diner!! Need food!

And here's the model chick who wouldn't let us take her picture. And if you look really hard... That's David Schwimmer way in the background!
All in all, a wild, and completely exhausting weekend.
Big thanks to Drew for being my camera bitch all night, and to everyone else who came out with us. I had a blast!
And we get to do it all again next year!
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The Halloween 2005 Escapade is dedicated to the memory of Bill Hootkins. A dear friend taken too soon.