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The Flash!

An R2 that holds beer! Woo Hoo!!
Christian gets some love!

Why did we get put right behind the float with the naughty half naked girls?

Then again... Maybe it's not such a bad thing...

Jon... Oh Jon.

Slave Leia... I looked better in the outfit.

The Bug... with a boo boo.

George Lucas!

Why did you screw up Episode 1?!?!

In the midst of the Parade I bumped into Andrew and his awesome Predator costume!! It was quite the face off!


Devil Girl and a naughty Doctor maybe?

Attacking the locals!

Guys with big guns don't scare me!


Nat! As the Ninja Biker Scout! Again!

Another naughty float! It's like they follow me around...
After the Parade we headed to our usual place... The Cutting Room!

Naughty window dressing...

Drew broke out his Colonial Marine Armor.

George getting pretty drunk...

Red head jumping into a pic.

Alex in his Buckaroo Banzai jumpsuit.



Jon. Hitting on me I think.

Drew and Mary Alice.


Green Fairy!! And I haven't even been drinking Absinthe!
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The Halloween 2005 Escapade is dedicated to the memory of Bill Hootkins. A dear friend taken too soon.