Halloween 2002
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Sexy Asian Bunny Girl....

That's a real, live Rooster in that guy's chest!!! How freaky is that?

Crowd shot.

I don't know what the costume is supposed to be, but I like the cleavage!

Mmm.... Surf and Turf....

"Ooohooo, Witchy Woman...."

Me and Tony with the Gothic Girl Scout!

Bobble heads. What a silly trend.

"Hey, what are you doing with that hand??"

Another Bunny girl. The Bug likes the Cotton Tail!

[Insert Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat quote here.]

Damn! Little Red Riding Hood got some attitude!

"Must resist urge to touch Butterfly wings...."

How many Harley Quinn's have I molested to date?

I don't know what the hell he is!

The Wonder Boob-Grab!

Molesting Vishnu! Thankfully the Hindu's don't have a Hell!

Attacking the little kids in the crowd! They loved the bug!

Bug Boob-Bite!
Some crowd control shots.

Tony, Me and Victor working the crowd!

Mmm... Pirate Wench!

Firefighter girl! Wanna slide down my pole?
Nurse girl! Uh... Wanna slide down my pole?
Attacking the crowd some more! They loved it!

Stealing candy from the people in the crowd. I got my hand smacked a lot!
Then I hopped onto the Costume Network float to ride out the last bit of the parade!
On to page 3!
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If you have any questions, E-Mail me. Spat@spat-nospam-cave.com