Mother Goddess
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How to explain this one? I was getting ready to pick up Tony and drive to PA for the Paintball game when I got a call from my friend Frank. He plays in a band (Funkface), but was filling in as the base player for Mother Goddess when they open for Joan Jett. Yes, I said Joan Jett.
The band needed a ride to Asbury Park. How could I say no?
Turns out, they were playing at the Stone Pony! This is the club where a whole lot of famous musicians got thier start, including Bruce Springstein.

And here it is, the Stone Pony itself!
Joan Jett Live!

Here's Frank getting set up.

J testing out the drums.

Amazon and Frank doing the sound check.

Stevie looking lost.

Test, 1, 2...

Scott, really happy to be there.
Sound checks almost over...

At least the club is kept really clean!

Maya tuning up.
The famous Boob Grab!
A quick run through before the doors open.
The band!
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