Mother Goddess
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After the sound check, the doors to the club opened and the band headed to the hotel to change. They came back, and rocked the house!

Scott looking very satisfied.
Amazon belting it out!
Frank slapping his base (notice how he's wearing his Imperial jumpsuit, what's up with that?).
J-Bomb banging the drums!

Stevie was the hardest person for me to get a picture of. The crowd was way too thick at that side of the club.
And of course, Maya at the center of the action.
I have to say, these guys really rocked, and it was great being the only person in the place allowed to take pictures!
After they got off stage, I moved over to the stage door area and waited for Joan Jett. She finally came out (I never knew how short she was!). I stayed for two songs, then had to head back to New York to pick up Tony, then drive us both down to the Paintball game! What a wacky weekend this was turning into!
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And be sure to check out the Mother Goddess website and tell them Spat sent you!
If you have any questions, E-Mail me.